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"When's she gonna wake up?" I felt a cold cloth being placed on my head.

"I don't know." That's Hailey's voice. "But, we need to just keep watching her."

"But, it's been a week and she's still unconscious!" Okay, that's totally Lexi.

I groaned, causing the girls to stop bickering. I opened my eyes and tried to sit up, but the pain in my chest caused me to flop back down. Lexi rushed to get me some water while Hailey kept dabbing my head. Hailey helped to prop me up while Lexi gave me some water. I choked once the water hit my throat. Carefully, Lexi patted my back to help ease my coughing fit.

"Thanks." I rasped out.

"How are you feeling?" Lexi sat next to me.

"Like a pound of bricks was dumped on my chest and then an elephant decide to sit on it." The girls chuckled at me. "How bad is it?"

"Well, it's healing." Hailey undid the bandages for me to see. "It's also time for me to apply medicine to it."

I saw my chest had turned from the nasty black to bluish purple. Jeez, it's been a week and that's the progress? I flinched when Hailey rubbed some concoction over my chest. She apologized and attempted to apply it more gently.

Lexi began explaining what the hell happened. After Lara rejected me (yep, still a bit salty from that), the mate bond between us was severed. It was more painful since our souls had been connected somehow (I didn't tell them that I was from another universe where Lara and I had bonded). The tearing of the souls caused the pain and it was close to killing me. I was on death's door when Lara quickly absorbed my pain. Even though she took most of the pain from me, I was still badly injured. They didn't know if I'd survive.

"So I'd have died from heartbreak?" I joked. "Well, that's pathetic." I rolled my eyes. "Wait, how long have you guys known I was mated to her?"

"She told us the moment she realized it." Hailey stated. "After I cleaned you the first day, I reported to her that I accomplished my task. She then told me and the others."

"Then why treat me so bad?" I inquired.

"You were the enemy." Lexi admitted. "And we thought you'd be a distraction to the campaign. We-"

"Also thought you'd hurt her, but it seemed it went the other way." Hailey breathed out. "Sorry." Lexi nodded with her.

"It's neither of your faults. Does Alec know?" They nodded. "Her parents?"

"Just her mother. Her father is blissfully unaware." Hailey answered.

"That makes me feel sooo much better." I sarcastically stated. "I'm a go back to bed." I closed my eyes.

"But you were already out for a week! How much more sleep do you need?!" Lexi was perplexed.

"You underestimate the power of sleeping your life away. Goodnight." I blew them air kisses before turning on my side.

By the time I woke up, it was pitch black outside. I saw Hailey quietly reading in the corner. I didn't want to disturb her so I quietly reached for the plate of food to munch on. I gave her a teasing smile when her face scrunched up from the noise my chomping was making.

I kicked my feet off the bed and walked outside. I dreamily stared up at the star studded sky. Moonlight illuminated the flowers decorating the balcony. I saw a shooting star and made a wish that everything would soon return to normal.

A knock sounded on my door. Hailey and I perked up at the noise and watched the door open. Lexi was fidgeting with her hands when she entered. Uh, oh. This can't be good.

"There's to be an event tomorrow evening." She refused to meet my eyes. "Lara is hosting the major council leaders-"

"She wouldn't dare." Lexi jumped when Hailey loudly shut the book. "Do not say what I think you're about to say."

"The most viable slaves are to be present and..." Lexi gave me pitiful eyes. "You're also requested, by the former king." She struggled to get the words out.

"She'll have her on display. Look, but can't touch, essentially." Hailey approached me. "Don't worry, we'll be in attendance and keeping a close eye on you." I gave Hailey a tight lipped smile.

"Be honest with me you two..." I made sure they were looking at me. "What is this event really for?" They both sighed.

"Lara needs the support of the top leaders to launch an attack. In order to achieve it, she has to wine and dine them, essentially. That means feed them tons of blood and give them free reign of her slaves, where they can do as they please." Hailey looked annoyed that Lara was doing this.

"And she's willing to have someone else play with her slave." Lexi and Hailey hated when I referred to myself as a slave.

"She would rip the person's heart out before they could touch you... she is very possessive and jealous over you. I'm surprised you haven't noticed it." I chuckled at Lexi's comment.

"Well, it's not like I have a choice." I flopped onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. 

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