25: You did what ?!?!?

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"There you go buttercup." Ciro says as he places the hot cup of coffee right in front of me on the table.

"Thank you Ciro." I say I tilt my head to the side to look up at him. He smiles and winks at me playfully. I just shake my head and grab the cup carefully before looking around the table for the creamer.

Francesco notices me looking around and he silently slides the creamer towards me. I take it and thank him politely and then get busy with mixing it with my coffee. 

I usually take my morning coffee with extra cream and an extra sugar, which is a total opposite of Lucca's. He prefers his coffee plain - no sugar and no cream or milk.

Once I was done with mixing two spoons of sugar in my cup I cut into the the freshly cooked french toast. I looked so deliciously that I didn't want to but I was hungry.

I take a small bite of the toast and it melts right into my mouth. It was so yummy that I resisted from rolling my eyes or moaning. Don't judge me, my  boyfriend just cooked for me for the first time.

"Omg Lucca it is so good." I say after swallowing down and shifting slightly to look at him.

He was still busy at the stove making more french toast for me and for himself. "Really, you liked it." He says with pure excitement enthusiastically as I take another bite.

"Really that good, let me try." Ciro says from across the table as he moves over the table to grab one of the slice. Before I could stop him, he is already biting on the delicious goodness "Ooh, it is good bro." He compliment Lucca.

"Hey that was mine." I say trying to sound irritated but I knew it was coming. 

Ciro was like Joey from the Friends series. He loves food so much that I always wonder if he dreams about them too. He is constantly eating and he still looks like one of the GQ model. 

"There you go angel," Lucca says from behind me as he slides three slices of toast on my plate before handing Ciro four.

I smile up at him as he pulls the chair next to mine and throws himself down on the chair. "Thank you." I say shy but get busy with eating. I wasn't kidding when I said it was delicious or that I was hungry. But before I could cut another slice off the toast, Lucca very posessively but carefully pulls my chair closer to his. And if that wasn't enough he throws his muscular arm over my shoulder and moves me closer to his warm body.  Like a love sick puppy I welcome the closeness and instantly move toward him.

"So what's the plan?" Ciro asks a couple of minutes later when he had all finished our breakfast.

I shrug both my shoulders " I just need to make some work calls regarding my sick leave and when I is my next shift." I say as I take a sip of the coffee. I was just going to check in with my roommate and then call my work to ask them about my leave status. The accident was a shock but Lucca told me he took care of everything including my leave. At first I wanted to ask what he meant by it  "Angel don't worry it is all taken care off" , but I had no energy to both argue or go back to work. I just needed some time to recover and now I am all good. I would like to catch up on my work email and see what's going on there. 

"Angel, I told you I took care of everything?" Lucca says from beside me as Ciro chimes in at the same time.

"Oh buttercup you don't work until the next month." 

"What??" I say a bit too loud as I sit up in my chair. I feel Lucca curse right next to me but it was too low that I wasn't sure what he said.

Ciro looks at me with a panic like realising just now what he said. His eyes flicker to my side at Lucca and double in size. Then ever so slowly he swallows and moves them back me.

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