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I found a pic for Blake. Here👈👆👉

I'm now sat at a table with Fraser, Cass and Ellie while they have a little banter.

I sit there, Troy in my mind while sucking the straw that was in my cup of vanilla milkshake.

Someone nudges me and my gaze snaps up to meet Fraser's questioning gaze.


"I was saying that we have lessons starting tomorrow and asked if you was us to take you to them?

I nod then pause "wait, won't you be in the same class as me?

He nods "yeah..."

"It's just we don't know if you want to hang around we us or..." Ellie trails off, glancing in Carly and Diana's direction.

I burst into laughter and they all give me funny looks, when I get over my fit of giggles I look at all three of them "are you serious?

They all look away, hurt in their eyes "I mean, if you don't want to you don't have to, we're not making you" Cass says angrily and I shake my head.

"No that's not what I meant, I meant do you seriously expect me to hang around with anyone else other than you. I mean... you guys are awesome!

They smile happily at me and Fraser claps his hands together "right, that's settled then, we take you to your class".

"Oh and the classes aren't like the boring stuff your used to, we actually use our magic and I can't wait to see what powers you have because Avery isn't telling is which means you are special" Ellie rambles on and everyone hums in agreement.

I chuckle nervously "guys, I'm not special..."

Cass quirks up her perfect eyebrow "mhm" clearly not believing me.

I sigh in frustration

"We'll just have to wait and see I guess, if your not telling us" Fraser says sweetly and I frown at him.


"Every new student gets tested of their abilities" Cass says in a 'duh' tone.

"So I get stares at by people I don't know just to see if I'm good or not? I squeak.

Ellie shakes her head "its not that bad".

"Have you done it? I press

"Well...no but-"

"Then how do you know?

She opens her mouth to speak but Fraser cuts her off "look, every person who has to do it is nervous at first but once they get tested they say afterwards that it wasn't so bad"

The Cass adds firmly "and the class doesn't judge your powers extent, you are what you are and no amount of judging can change that".

I shrink down in my chair and mumble "I hope your right".


After a day of getting to know every one Fraser, Cass and Ellie take me back to my room.

When we get to the door everyone stuffs me with advice

"don't forget to set your alarm"

"Also don't take too much time getting ready because Avery likes it if your eager and early"

"But don't be too early though because no one like a teachers pet"

"Be like 10 minutes early, that's enough".

"You do know where to meet us right, we'll be up early to meet you".

I blink at the wave of advice and lift my hands to halt their jabbering "guys" I chuckle "I think I'll be fine, yes I'll be early, yeas I won't be too early, yes I know where to meet you, it's gonna be fine now goodnight" I say finally and shut the bedroom door before they could say anything else.

When I hear them walk away I slide door against it and sigh, burrowing my face into my knees.

I wanted Troy, I felt empty inside while we weren't together and I felt a pull towards him getting stronger by each minute.

I sigh again and rub my eyes, I was exhausted with the socialising and just wanted to sleep. But I had to prepare for tomorrow so I lay out all my belongings and put them away. I then set my phone alarm to 6:00am, nice and early so I had time to get ready and be early. We had to be in the courtyard by 8:30am or we'd picked on by the teachers in class.

I then walk to the painting on the wall and click the button that activated the  beautiful walk in closet. I walk in a ponder on what to wear before picking them out and closing the closet door behind me. I set out the clothes on the dresser on the other side of the room: a pair of black sports leggings, a plain grey t-shirt and a pretty lilac coloured tye dye hoodie. I set a matching set of lilac trainers on the floor as well.

I then pull my hair tie out of its messy bun and walk over to the bed I was longingly staring at. I sigh as my head touches the pillows and I fall into a nightmare ridden sleep with my dad and Troy.


How do y'all think schools gonna go?

Please read my newly published zombie book.

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