Chapter 12

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"Each day, Royse is becoming quite a charm himself." Vanessa claps her hands in delight as she gazes at her son.

Albert chuckled as he watches Royse fix his bow while sporting an embarrassed expression. The boy turns his body, checking out his outfit, impressed by how different it was from his other set of clothes.

"This is nice, but I think it's too many layers." Royse commented as he tried moving his arm.

"We are meeting duke Eckel from the Dragon Kingdom after all. We need to look our best Rosey." Rohesia reasoned with her index finger.

Royse grunted at the words. He didn't like politics, not to mention the incident in that Kingdom 10 years ago.

It wouldn't be weird if they're here.

Valhaven the human kingdom and Sko Cria the dragon Kingdom are in alliance dating back thousands of years. But after the incident, they weren't in the best condition.

Royse sighed. It wasn't like anyone expected the incident to happen.

No one would have expected the death of the Eckel family. They were important figures that provided military assistance. With the families death, the younger brother had no choice but to take in the title.

'I even read through the news that the King was very dishearted by the incident. Not weird considering how it stated that Duke Eckel and the King were close friends, maybe brothers even.' Royse thinks.

It was quite a sensitive topic, what with how the news also took a photo of the scene.

It was gruesome, to say the least.


"Deep in thought my son?" Albert states, making Royse flinch in surprise and looking up to his father.

"Not really. I'm simply tired from the attention." He replies as he glances around the ballroom.

He was currently standing by the tables where drinks and foods were served. With him being there, no one would disturb him.

Their arrival took everyone's eyes. Seeing how Royse remained cooped up inside their house, no one had seen him for so long. They all wished to talk to him and get to know him more.

Both he and Rohesia received numerous invitation, not only that but also introducing kids their age in hopes for an engagement.

Royse drank his juice in irritation by the thought. He already has 2 potential candidates, he doesn't want more.

Oh, and yes, both gender could be together in this world. Between the partners, one will become the opposite gender if they plan on having offspring. After giving birth, they'll slowly return to their original gender, or after successfully planting the seed. (a/n: omega and alpha dynamics are confusing so let's make it like this q-q)

Which Royse doesn't want to go into detail but for all he knows, because of that, more marriage options were possible and made families have an easier time in finding a partner.

Albert could see right through his son and chuckled from it.

They both hear footsteps, causing them to turn their head and bow.

"Your majesty." Albert greeted.

"Good to see you Albert and of course, Royse."

They both rose their head and smiled at the man. They noticed another person that stood beside the king.

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