Pretty Please

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It was quite cold day in Seoul. Rosé had already her days free; taking a vacation just in time when the chill weather approached. But her girlfriend didn't have the same luck. Lisa was buried in work. During the day she spent her time as a dance mentor, getting back fully exhausted at home; and during the night sticked to her laptop making schedules and other things Rosé was not interested in. The only time Lisa was actually able to spare Rosé a glance was in between getting back from work when she always was gifted with a welcome kiss and through dinner. After this she was retiring in the other room that she now has turned into her workplace and did whatever she needed until the late hours of the night. Usually, Rosé wouldn't mind it as she knew that her girlfriend was basically a workaholic. But this busy schedule prevented one of her favourite things. Sex. The blonde beauty couldn't remember when was the last time Lisa's hands were on her curves.

After dinner the younger girl had kissed her and told her to not wait because her work won't get done itself any time soon. But Rosé was on the way to change her mind. She didn't date her gorgeous girlfriend to not be capable of drawing her attention; so she put on fish net stockings with bows at the top, lace choker and red lingerie. Then due to keeping it a surprise until the very last minute she wore some sweatpants and tee. Running fingers through her blonde hair while checking out herself in the mirror.

Rosé sneaked into the dim lighted warm room; right behind her girlfriend. Lisa was still typing on the laptop. Her brunette hair tied up in a messy bun. Unawared of the newly presence because the music in her earphones was max volumed.

The guest walked over to her and leaned down next to her ear. The slender fingers gently unplugged one of the earbuds.

"You are so sexy when you are focused." Rosé whispered.

Lisa's eyes widened; inhaling quickly in shock. The familiar smell of vanilla and peaches caressed her senses. She felt how Rosé kissed the earshell then the exposed area behind it.

Her mind was running wild from all the tension through the day. So she just closed her eyes; leaving herself to fall into the void of sensations that Rosé was forming by still wet pecking the back of her neck.

"Sweetheart, I need you." the blonde hissed quietly; her hands clinging around Lisa's neck reaching the collarbones under her sweatshirt.

This lit up the fire in the younger one.

"I'm tired, babygirl, plus I still have so much work to do." she said; ignoring the growing arousal between her legs.

"I hate when you are leaving me... unattended." Rosé wasn't giving up; not unless she gets what she wanted.

She knew how to push Lisa's buttons. That's why her mouth attached to the neck, sucking gently the pale skin while her hands rubbed the collarbones to warm them.

Lisa closed her eyes again. Her brain blocked at this point. Rosé. Work. Dance practice. Schedules. Rosé. Mails. Sleep. Dance. Work. Rosé.

Although, she realized no one was behind her anymore. When looked forward the blonde was sitting on the desk; her legs swinging carelessly.

"You will mess the paperwork." Lisa mumbled; too dizzy to sound more stern.

This was definitely not what Rosé wanted to hear. So she laid hand on the top of papers looking demanding at Lisa; then suddenly shoved them aside. The younger girl looked in the way the pile was dispersed. Taking a deep breath before returning her toffee eyes on her lover's grin just to notice the lace choker.

"What's with the red thing around your neck?" Lisa's eyes were literally closing at this point.

"You like it?" Rosé giggled; but when after a short period she didn't receive any answer, she frowned. "I don't turn you on anymore... do I?"

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