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Jin's pov

Picking up the mess around the living room I yawned into the nape of my arm, I hadn't slept as much as the others on the plane and could definitely feel the effect of a newly formed soulmate bond combined with the impact of a long journey.

Despite me being tired though, I had decided to make the living room look at least semi tidy before caving in and going to bed. Just the thought of sleeping almost seducing me to not do the task I had given myself, but nonetheless I walked around picking up empty cups and putting things where they were supposed to be.

Once I was pleased with how it looked, I shut the lights off and finally joined my boyfriends in our bedroom. I could immediately feel the comfort of the sight of their faces turning towards me as I walked through the door. Hoseok was laying on the bed wearing his favourite pair of pyjama pants, the tips of his hair dampened from his daily face wash and a sheet mask covering his beautiful face. Namjoon was crouched over his suitcase currently only wearing his boxers, his toothbrush sticking out of his mouth along with some toothpaste froth spread across his lips. The smile shining towards me once we looked at each other always made me weak to the knees.

I walked to the connected bathroom after finding my bag of toiletries and pushed my hair back with a head band to get it out of my eyes. Washing my face quickly I was startled when I looked up into the mirror and met a second pair of eyes looking back at me.

Namjoon was standing right behind me, the toothbrush still hanging out of his mouth, and his eyes playful.

"Oh was I in the way?" I asked and began to move away when his hands locked onto the sink on each side of me, Namjoon's body close enough to my back for me to feel the heaving of his chest for every breath he took. Looking into the mirror I saw the playful eyes had infected his whole face and he was grinning against the toothbrush still hanging off his lips.

Then he got as close as possible, sharing his warmth with me as his naked chest hugged the fabric of my t-shirt, leaning down to rest his chin on my shoulder before he began bending forwards. He brought my body with him as he leant towards the sink. Mentally and physically flustered from the sudden closeness from my soulmate, I struggled to control my breathing as everything was overshadowed by his scent, and the sounds of his breaths and the warmth of his body.

It took me several seconds before I realised what he was doing and my arms shot up to take the toothbrush out of his mouth right before he spit into the sink, a ringing laugh following his actions. His arms moved from holding me to the sink to now just doing his night time routine as if I were not between his arms.

Normally I'd be playful back, flirt heavily and most likely take over the teasing role that he was holding onto right now. But normally when Namjoon got this flirty and touchy, it was because he was drunk or starved.

My handsome, smart, kind, thoughtful boyfriend had in the time I've known him and loved him, been at best romantically constipated and at worst straight up romance intolerant. I've never given it more thought than necessary, we all know that he loves us, he told us once. He also let us know that he wasn't one to go around saying that a lot but that he would let us know should the situation ever change.

He loved us they way he could, and no one could ever ask for more than that.

However that is not saying I wasn't thoroughly enjoying the sight and feeling of a sober, clear minded, happy, flirty Namjoon. He held my heart in his hand no matter what he did or where he went, maybe this new side of him would also convince him to hold my hand too.

I could feel his happiness as if it were my own.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked, turning around in his arms after we'd both finished brushing our teeth.

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