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"I've booked our flight for midnight tonight, will that give you enough time to get everything you need to do, finished and ticked off before then?" Namjoon was franticly trying to plan our return to South Korea this evening and was walking in circles around me as I tiredly tried to clean around the apartment.

The sun was rising through our living room window and had I not been insanely tired to the point of where I still struggled to keep my eyes open if I stood still for too long, I would have sat down and watched it. But this morning it was all about staying somewhat awake and getting the apartment into a presentable state for my parents' visit.

With the other five soulmates of ours sleeping it made for a relaxed morning vibe in the living space as we did our designated chores. Not that a collective morning time was anything but pleasant, but we were all different personalities after just waking up and I enjoyed how my personality fit well with the calm aura of Hoseok and Namjoon, even with Namjoon's stressful planning. Though the tidying and cleaning wasn't just to make me feel better knowing the apartment was presentable for my parent's arrival, but I'm also pretty sure Hoseok noticed I needed to keep busy to not disappear within my own mind once again like I so often do when I feel pushed into a corner.

I was trying to keep my expectations to which reactions I would get to a minimum low when it came to telling my parents the truth, but managing the unmanageable parts of your life proves to be difficult even when you try to plan it ahead of time.

Before we fell asleep last night Yoongi had tried to convince us that he was not a suited soulmate to introduce to my parents. In my opinion that was first of all just plain stupid but I also found it quite sad how he didn't think he'd be a good fit to be their first impression of my soulmates.

I understood his stress around the case however. Who wants to voluntarily meet someone you've been told a million times will most probably reject you the minute they find out who you are? I felt bad Yoongi had to be the one to meet my parents just because that happening was a true potential reality of how today's events could go.

Namjoon had explained how it was nice with a consistency in the stories I told seeing as we had decided on not spilling the 7 people bomb, and then there was also the fact that apparently Yoongi's soulmate mark was easily accessible, so should it need to be presented as proof, it would make him a good candidate for the soulmate reveal.

This had naturally left me thinking about the placements of the other soulmate marks and I'd stayed up until the late hours thinking about them last night trying to figure out which ones I had seen and which ones I hadn't.

I knew Jungkook had his on his arm just like me, which is why he also had cleverly covered it up with beautiful tattoos, the mark giving him a sudden green light from their boss to ink himself up as much as he wanted. His soulmate butterfly was a black one, its' wings almost like a bird's and its' body drawn on his skin in intricate details reminding of a bird's skeleton.

Taehyung's I knew the location of even without trying to find it. I hadn't given it much thought when I saw it the first time.. Come to think of it I hadn't given it any thought when I saw it the first time actually. But I knew his butterfly was purple and bent around his shoulder blade on his back , I'd seen it when he slept on his side away from me. I remember staring at it for what felt like an eternity. But it didn't perplex me at all, until now, why it hadn't made me eager to discover the location of the beautiful marks on the skin of my other soulmates?

Sleeping next to Hoseok I'd also found his in the midst of my grumbling last night and discovered a pale yellow butterfly on his lower ribs. It was beautiful, almost glowing against his skin, and it was almost like it was begging me to touch it, like having it so close and not touching it was a sin of some sort. I didn't, in fear of waking him from what looked to be a very comfortable sleep, but now it was sewn into my mind like a task off a bucket list of things I had to do in the near future.

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