Chapter 7

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Peter directed me on where to go. His hands were molded onto my shoulders and guided me as I walked blindfolded. He stopped me in my tracks and stood there for a second. Sounds of traffic and car horns lead its way into my ears as I inhaled the sweet scent of freshly baked goods. I reached out in front of me, but didn't find anything to grab onto. "I swear, Peter, if we're on a ledge, I'll murder you," I stated fiercely.

"What?" He asked in a high pitched voice. "Lilly, I would never do that," he scoffed. Peter lifted one of his hands from my shoulder and struck it against his chest. "It hurts that you think I would do that to you...Again."

I impatiently waved my arms around. "Can I take the blindfold off?"

Peter put pressure on my shoulders. "Sit down first. You might feel better about this."

He helped me sit down on the cement and my legs dangled over the ledge. "Peter," I declared when he let go of me. I had a great fear of heights, and after the fiasco with Black Widow, I was even more terrified. I heard a noise, then the blindfold was taken from my face. The view I saw in the next few seconds was breathtaking. The bright city lights of New York were lit up against the dark sky full of twinkling stars. I glanced down and tightened my hold on the ledge. The cars below seemed like toys and the people scurrying in the streets appeared like working ants. "It's beautiful..."

Peter chuckled and sat down next to me. He clasped his hands together in his lap and sat cross legged. "I used to take Gwen here to hang out. She would love to watch the city come alive after sunset and would always say it was amazing..." He trailed off and gazed out onto the city.

A slight breeze picked up and brushed through my hair. I set my hazel eyes on Peter and sighed. I was quiet for a moment until I asked, "What happened after I went missing?"

He dragged his hands down his face and his brown eyes glanced at me. His voice cracked a bit, "Not a lot happened...I grew up. It..." he stopped to inhale, "It sucked, basically. I was shy, didn't have a lot of friends. I was the bookworm of the class and excelled in the sciences. I was bit by a radioactive spider. Uncle Ben was shot and killed...Then Gwen died." Peter rubbed his hands together and patted his legs. "But hey...I'm Spiderman. Guess I've got to learn how to handle things. Right?"

I set my head on his shoulder and didn't take my eyes off of the magnificent lights. My heart hurt for him. All those things I wasn't there for impacted him in ways I would never know. I wasn't there for him. I should have gone to him, but I didn't know where to start. I had to learn how to control my powers...Then again, my life had spiraled too. Being in Peter's life would only have made it worse. "Peter, it's only natural to feel the way you do. Just because you're a superhero doesn't mean your tough exterior," I poked at his chest, which surprised him, "will keep everything out. You have time to grieve. Use it to your advantage. Don't bottle it up. It'll only make things worse."

"Yeah..." he sighed and cleared his throat, "I know."

I couldn't help myself but to apologize, "I'm sorry for not being there for you."

"You had your own problems. I understand."

I played with my hands for a bit and felt a cold chill in the air. The breeze brushed my cheeks, making them turn pink from the blood circulation. A silence that lasted a few minutes hung in the air, and all I could think about was how much Steve and Barton hated my guts. Tony seemed to like me and Natasha related to me instantly. Thor, haven't met him officially yet, but he seemed like a nice guy. Bruce I wasn't too sure about. "Why are Steve and Barton so against me?" I questioned quietly.

Peter bit his lip and thought for a moment before answering. "Loki had Barton in a trance once. He's very hesitant with new people who have powe-"

I interjected, "You can say it. I'm a mutant and I'm proud."

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