chapter 21

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Helen's pov continued

At last it was over I'm free of pain and cramps these days were the worst days of my life I was glad that it was over I learnt alot of new things like how to spy on people and how to act like a creep and again how to stalk people I did it with Elle it was weird at first that I was spying on her and then checking her phone and messages especially the language I couldn't understand she caught me once and I told her that I didn't have anything to do so I was just passing my time by acting like a creepy stalker but what she told me made me more confused she told me that it's bad manners to stalk someone because you never know if you turn out to be a victim and she said that with an physotic face I was intially shocked and scared at her reaction but then I ignored it after all she was Rogers maid maybe the people he hired were like him only i decided that I need to keep distance from Elle I told her that I didn't find anything and she was clean but then she started laughing like a maniac she was weird so in the end I Informed her that I had  changed my target and I will start stalking Roger he's so mysterious but I will soon find out she told me to let her know of his weakness then she will use it against him " why would you want to know " I asked " well you see he doesn't give me leaves to see my family so if you find out anything just let me know but I guess i know what's his weakness I just want to confirm it " she said "yeah sure " I nodded today I was going back to work with Roger Elle reminded me of my promise to her and I assured her that I will find out when we reached office I noticed that Roger had got a new assistant and thus time it was a guy he was flirting so much with me but by lunch he was fired Charlie called me and informed me that on the 25th floor we had an ad shoot for our upcoming projects and he needed my help there he asked Roger also to accompany me which we did the moment we reached there the advertisement shooting had already started but the main model was not interested in this and you could clearly see it so Charlie asked me to speak to him but few moments into our conversation he started flirting and then started acting weird he would touch my ears brush my hair off my face honestly I did not like this type of behaviour buy I guess  Roger did not like this either because the best thing what he did was punch him in face and then in his chest and stomach poor  guy fell out and started cursing but Roger didn't stop he kept on hitting him till blood poured from his mouth and I was just standing there in the end of the fight that model was on the floor unconscious and Roger was standing without a single scratch on him I took a step ahead to help that model because if anything happened to him he would create trouble but before I could do so I was pulled out or dragged out from that floor and shoved in the elevator he took me straight to Charlie's office and just pushed me in with so much force that I fell and almost my head was about to hit the table but before that Charlie helped me " what the hell is wrong with you Roger are you in your senses " Charlie said " yes I am this fucking bitch is a slut just like a thought are you that desperate for attention do you need a cock in that pussy of yours just tell me and I will fuck the hell out of you " he said holding my hair before Charlie could say or do anything I slapped him " how dare you son of a bitch how can you call me a slut I'm not like you who fucks their assistants in office " I shouted " oh so you are jealous huh you have charles and Mr Davidson to satisfy you aren't they enought " he shouted before I could say anything else Charlie slapped him actually punched him and Roger started punching him back everything in the office was destroyed until Mr Davidson rushed in and seperated them " what the hell is happening here " Mr Davidson shouted both Roger and Charlie looked at each other in fury " she's not staying with him anymore I will take care of her and I don't care what happens next " Charlie said.

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