Chapter 21

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Owen and I settled into the meeting room and everyone immediately turned quiet and looked to Owen. It was incredible the power he emanated, I could feel it rolling off of his body in waves and I knew what an amazing leader he was. He went over the plan and started explaining the changes.

“We need to strike tomorrow, during the day when they are more likely to be sleeping. It will also harm them to come out in the sun so that is an added bonus. Liam, I need you to call close towns and get an additional fifty warriors if possible. I don’t want any casualties. As least not on our side.”

It's so sexy when he’s in charge like this, I thought to myself. It makes me want to pull his pants down and suck his dick down my throat. I heard a growl next to me and looked to see Owen staring at me.

“Grace, could you control your thoughts please? But we can do that later if you still want to.” He winked at me and laughter rang out among the rest of the warriors while my face turned the color of a tomato. Damn mate bond.

“Now most of you will shift, but some of you will stay in human form to fight hand to hand…” My eyebrows furrowed at this and I put my hand on Owen’s arm to get his attention.

“But I was planning to use my power to blow up as many vampires as I could. If some of our warriors stay in human form, I won’t know who’s a vampire and who’s a werewolf.” Owen looked thoughtful for a minute.

“Good point. I don’t think anyone here wants to experience that particular power of yours. Everyone will shift. Understood?” Murmurs of agreement went throughout the pack and I felt like I had made up for my earlier interruption. Owen ends the meeting and puts his hand on my leg, asking me to stay until everyone else leaves.

“Are you sure about this, Grace? You don’t have to go into this battle. No one will think less of you.” I put one hand on each side of his face and pull him to look directly in my eyes.

“Owen. I. Can. Help. You. Isn’t that the point of a mate? So, you don’t have to carry the burden alone? We both know that with my powers, fewer of our people will die. That’s what matters here.” Owen let out a sad sigh and gave me a halfhearted smile.

“Ok. Just promise me one thing? If things get bad, if it looks like we’re going to lose, I want you to turn and run. Don’t try to play the hero, ok?”

Not a chance in hell

“Ok, deal.”

“Grace, I heard that.” I gave him sheepish smile and leaned in for a sweet kiss.

“I love you, Owen. Let’s go relax and enjoy this day together, ok?”

He stood up and held my hand as we walked home. I breathed deeper, appreciated the colors and sounds of the forest more. I had a good feeling we were prepared to take on this threat, but you never know what can happen in a situation like that so I decided to focus on life today, hoping we would all come home unharmed tomorrow.

Once we walked into the packhouse, Own tried to sit on the couch in the living room, but I pulled him up to our room and started running a bath.

“I want to sit in here with you and relax.” I whispered as I pulled his shirt over his head.

“Whatever the lady wants, the lady gets.” He smiled down at me and I rubbed my hand over his cheek. I never tired of the sparks that erupted from a simple touch. They brought warmth and comfort to me, something we desperately needed right now.

I added lavender oil to the bath, which made Owen’s face pinch, but he didn’t say anything. We lowered ourselves into the warm water and he pulled me close, so my back was to his front and I was cradled in between his legs. I leaned my head back on his shoulder so I could look up at him, enjoying the sight of the man I love.

He moved down to me, placing his lips gently over mine, giving me a sweet kiss full of love and awe. I raised my hand to the back of his head and threaded my fingers through his hair to pull him closer to me and deepened the kiss. He allowed me to explore his mouth with my tongue, eliciting moans of approval from deep within his chest. I soon felt his cock grow against my back and I was sure, if we hadn’t been in water, my own desire would be coating my inner thighs at this point. He reached around me, and I felt his hand slowly making its way down my body. He stopped at my clit and started rubbing lazy circles. My moans were captured by his mouth as he slid further down, slipping a finger inside of me, causing my inner walls to clench around him. I felt the pleasure mount as I travelled higher and higher to the crest of my release. Too quickly he pulled away from me, leaving me a whimpering mess in his arms. I felt his strong hands circle my waist and lift me until his cock was settled at my entrance. He slowly lowered me onto him until he filled me completely. I rocked back and forth on top of him, his hips raising to meet me with each thrust as he peppered kisses down my face and neck. He moved his hand up to cup my breast and roll my nipple between his fingers. Our movements created waves in the bathtub, and I heard water sloshing onto the floor. It was a distant sound, I was more entuned to the grunts and moans we were creating together, our own little symphony of love and pleasure. I felt myself climbing again, but this time I reached the peak and descended into pure ecstasy. Shortly after I felt Owen’s hands tighten on my waist and his body turn rigid behind me as he reached his own climax within me.

We sat quietly for a few minutes, listening to each other’s haggard breaths as we came down from our high together.

“That was incredible, love.” Owen murmured in my ear as he kissed my temple and cheek. He tightened his arms around me, and I melted into him.

“Note to self: bath sex rocks.” I giggled and turned to kiss him. He chuckled with me, a low rumbling sound coming from his chest. I felt the vibrations against my back and thought there was nowhere in this world better than this spot right here.

All too soon the water turned cold, but I had nearly fallen asleep against Owen. He lifted me carefully and with such gentleness and toweled me dry. He slipped one of his t-shirts over my head and carried me to the bed, lying me down in the middle before climbing in behind me. He pulled me tight against him and nuzzled his nose in my neck, breathing deeply like he would never get to smell my scent again. His hands traced circles on my stomach just below my belly button and I fell into a blissful slumber.

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