Chapter 28

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"Grace! Thank the sweet baby Jesus you're ok! What the hell happened to you!? I've been worried sick!" Gavin snaps at me as I close the distance between us. He pulls me into a firm hug and I feel Owen's annoyance from our bond. I pull away gently from Gavin and take a step back towards Owen.

"How in the hell did you find me?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I put a tracker on your phone." He explains and my mouth gapes in surprise.

"You put a tracker on my phone?!" I ask incredulously and he nods.

"Of course I did. You're a hot, young single woman living in Seattle. It's Ted Bundy town. I was worried about you. Then the last I heard from you, you said you were thinking about staying and then went radio silent for days. What else was I supposed to do?" He asks, his voice dripping with frustration. His eyes wander around the pack for a moment before he looks back at me.

"Not that I can blame you for staying. Holy hell did I somehow stumble onto a photo shoot for an underwear ad? All of these men are freaking gorgeous." He mutters to me. He looks behind me and winks at someone. I turn my head to see Liam standing stock still and staring at him. I give Owen a confused look and his eyes glaze over in a mind link.

"How'd you even get up here in that tiny car?" I ask and Gavin scoffs.

"Don't talk about Estelle like that. She can get me anywhere." He says and I roll my eyes.

He is Liam's mate. I hear Owen's voice float through my head.

I look back at him in shock and he shrugs at me.

"Well, fuck." I murmur and Gavin gasps.

"Well, excuse me for climbing up this ridiculous mountain to save your ass from what I thought was a cult holding you hostage. You could be a little more grateful, Grace." I sigh and massage my temples before giving Gavin a apologetic look.

"Thank you, Gavin. You're a good friend." I say softly, reaching out to grip his hand. I hear a little grumble from Liam and send him a firm look to quiet him. Gavin watches the exchange curiously  and I pull him towards the house.

What do we do about this? I ask Owen in our link.

We'll need to tell him the truth. With him being Liam's mate he will want him to stay. Owen responds and I let out a heavy sigh.

"Give Tony your keys. He'll move your car. We need to talk." I say and Gavin chuckles.

"Are you breaking up with me?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"No. But you're about to have your mind blown." I say and he watches me nervously.

"Is this really a cult?" He whispers and I snort out a laugh.

"Ummmm... No. Not exactly." I say, pushing him into one of the chairs on our porch. Owen pulls Liam into the house to give us some privacy as I try to explain this new development to my friend.

"Grace, are we in danger?" He asks, all traces of humor gone from his face.

"No, Gavin. We are not in any danger." I tell him firmly and he nods, relaxing into his chair. I take a deep breath as he watches me expectantly.

"Gavin. I'm a witch." I say gently and he lets out a loud laugh.

"Um, Ok? What? You dance around naked in the woods under a full moon? That's cool, no judgement here." He says with a smile. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"No." I say and he eyes me suspiciously for a moment.

"Well, what kind of witch are you?" He asks.

I make a small ball of light in my hand and show it to him. He screeches and jumps from his chair, falling over backwards on top of it before groaning in pain. Liam bursts out of the house, eyeing the situation before snarling at me.

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