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Mia's POV


It takes a few minutes, but I finally calm down enough to speak.

"I should probably start off with the basics." I sigh, running my hands up and down my thighs nervously. A throb of pain resonates off of my injured leg and I quickly take my hand off, not letting myself flinch. I don't need my mom to know I was hurt. And almost killed. Multiple times.

I have absolutely no clue how to go about this. What am I supposed to say, 'hey mom, so basically your daughter is half elf, your husband is an elf and he's dead, and I was gone in a parallel universe for two months?'  Yeah right. She would freak the fuck out, and I can't do that to her. I don't know how any of this is going to be easy.

"This is going to sound crazy, you probably will think I'm insane, but I need you to hear me out." My mom nods, taking my hand in hers. I let her warmth calm my racing heart. How is she so calm?

"So there is this other world, basically a parallel universe, called Earthe. E-a-r-t-h-e," I start, making sure to pronounce Earthe in a strong elvish accent so she can tell that apart from Earth.

"Mia..." My mom starts, but I stop her by squeezing her hand and giving her a pleading look.

"I know, it sounds crazy, but it's true. And elves live on Earthe. Yes, elves like the ones in Lord of the Rings and Shannara and all that. I can show you-" how can I show her? 

"Mia, I think you're just freaked out, just-" my mom starts.

"I'm not lying, mom! I know I sound insane, crazy, like I'm some lunatic, but please just trust me. I'm choosing to tell you everything. I wouldn't lie to you."

I quickly reach to the center of the table and grab a packet of fruit snacks, ripping the packaging open with a plastic-y squeak and popping one into my mouth. Ah yes, back to eating when I'm anxious. But oh my god. I forgot how good these were.

"Ok..." How the hell do I do this? I am freaking out. "Knox, can you come over here for a sec."

Knox strides forward and, like the gentleman-gentleelf?- he is, reaches a hand out to my mom, who shakes it politely. I feel so bad right now. She looks so lost.

"This is Knox," I explain carefully. "He's an elf." My mom stares at him, a questioning look in her eyes.

With that I motion for Knox to take his hat off, and he does, giving me a knowing look. The minute his hat comes off his hair falls down, and his pointy ears are visible. I take his hand and pull him closer. He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze, and I shoot him a grateful glance before looking back at my mom, who's staring at Knox.

"See? These ears aren't fake." I even tug gently at his ear to show her that it's really on his head. My mom is just staring, and I know what she's probably thinking. She doesn't know what to believe. She probably thinks I'm crazy. I chew the inside of my cheek, trying to think of a way to show her that this is real. Why do I have to be the one to tell her? A thought pops into my head then.

Why didn't my dad tell her that he was an elf?

This would've been a hell of a lot easier if she had known that I was half elf. I guess that will be a mystery forever, since I can't ask him. Now it's up to me to prove my point. Without transport stones, it's hard to show her anything tangible that proves that elves are real.

"Here." I grab an empty coffee mug from the snack bowl on the coffee table, holding it up. 

"Catch this?" I say to Knox, and throw it as far as I can, all the way across the living room, through the kitchen, and to the door. No human can catch that, but I make sure my mom is looking as Knox waits for it to pass him before darting to the door at a very un-human speed, and catches it a foot from the ground.

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