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Mia's POV


Heart in my throat, I roughly push the hand away and whirl around, fists raised. I'm so terrified I would've screamed, but some part of me I can't identify reminds me that there are men looking for me, and if I screamed now they would hear me. Maybe I'll start crying instead. But the person behind me isn't one of the men in black. He definitely isn't from around here.

I would have remembered seeing him.

He looks about my age, but a solid 6 feet in height. Considering I was 5'5 the last time I measured myself, he's pretty tall, and I have to tilt my head up the tiniest bit to look at his face. His body is lean like mine, but he has way more muscle definition than me. Sharp jawline, straight nose, high cheekbones, bright amber eyes, smooth pale skin- is face is unlike any other person I've ever seen. He is gorgeous. But in an almost... ethereal way? I don't know how to describe it. I also do a double take at his ears. They are pointy. Not like mine, but-like-more pointy. And not like super-long-hallmark-movie-elf ears, but... Pointy enough that you can tell it's not normal. What the hell?! And his hair, oh my god. It's long, like the two men currently searching for me.

His hair is a natural shade of blond so light it's almost white, and it falls straight down to right below his shoulder blades. I also can't help but gape at how intricate it is. The front section is pulled back behind his head, and a few other small ones on the side of his head are in fishtails and other weird but beautiful patterns that meet with the one in the back in one final insanely complicated looking braid, which I catch a glimpse of as he whips his head around to check behind him quickly. But the braids aren't big, so it leaves a lot still flowing down. Okay. I always thought guys with long hair were kinda gross, but damn he pulls it off better than anyone I have ever seen in my entire life. It suits him so well.

His clothes are just as intriguing as the rest of him. He is wearing a light brown tunic, with a long sleeved shirt underneath and semi tight black pants underneath. Draped over his back is a forest green cape that falls down past his knees, along with leather boots and matching leather arm cuffs that look like they have knives in them. Huh. He kinda looks like he just left his shift at a Mutton and Mead festival.

Taking in his appearance takes about  3 seconds, and I'm about to question his pointy ears when I remember that he is probably trying to kill me. I clench my fists, ready to do whatever necessary to fight him off. I've never taken any defense classes, to my current regret. Unless a random Youtube video counts.

But before I can swing the boy raises his hands in the universal sign of surrender and whispers, "they see you."

I tilt my head and glance back quickly, to see the two men creeping silently my way, with- bows and arrows in their hands. What century are we in?!

"How?" I whisper in a strained voice. I don't understand. I know this spot is virtually invisible. When I was little I played hide and seek down here with my mom, and one day she gave up and started to get worried because she couldn't find me. I was hiding back here. She walked past me, like, five times and didn't see. There's no way the two men would've been able to see me.

"I'll explain later," the boy whispers, his eyes tracking the men like a predator watching their prey. "Don't look back at them."

"Excuse me?" I whisper, fear clawing up my throat as the scary men advance behind me. "How do I know I can trust you? And how-"

My words are cut off as the boy grabs my arm with surprising force and shoves me behind him as an arrow goes flying right past where I was just standing, coming within an inch of the boy's face. I finally let out a scream of terror as that- and all the previous events of this insane day- catch up to me. I always said I wanted an adventure, but this isn't a book or movie. I have absolutely no clue if I'm going to be alive in the next minute, and it completely terrifies me.

✧The Earthe of the Elves✧Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora