30: That's your son V

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Okay, so this one has some flash backs. It flashes back to like 6 months after TK and Carlos met. Grace and Judd did just have a baby, so just enjoy the kind of cute short moments I give Carlos with Grace and Judd's baby. Also No TK wasn't pregnant in the flash back, it was a few months before they found out that TK was pregnant with the first baby.

Two Years ago
Owen's birthday party
"Hey, glad you guys could make it." I heard Owen say as he pulled TK into a hug, before hugging me too. "Yeah, sorry we are late. His doctors appointment took way longer than expected." I said as I felt TK get right up next to me again, before wrapping his arms around my midsection. "Oh, it was nothing serious I hope." Grace said, as she came over with her daughter who was currently sleeping against her. "No, everything is good. It was just mainly about some preventative measures, so we don't end up with one of these right now." I said, as I smiled at Grace as she was holding the baby. "Carlos Reyes, I know that wasn't you saying you don't want a baby." She said, as she pointed a finger towards me. TK couldn't help the little laugh that escaped. "No, of course I want kids eventually. Eventually being the key word there." I said, as I gently ran my hand up and down TK's back soothingly.

"Well, here. You're the only one who hasn't asked to hold her, yet. I've been dying to see you hold a baby, since I've known you." Grace said, as she passed Mya to me. "Grace, I-I, you um... you trust me to hold her?" I asked as she was adjusting my hands, before removing her hands completely. "Yes, I do. You and Judd are both big teddy bears, I don't trust anyone as much as you two." She said, like she was completely certain on that. I smiled softly, as Mya opened her eyes slowly before grinning at me. "She's adorable Grace. And Thank you, it means a lot." She just nodded her head, as she smiled at the baby. "Alright, you can go sit. Momma loves her, but momma could also use a break." She said, as she placed the burp rag on my shoulder.

TK's point of view

He just shook his head as he went over to sit on the couch, while I wondered off with Grace and Dad.
"Someone needs to give that man a child, already. I mean just look at how cute he is when he's holding a baby." I heard Nancy, and I think her name is Tommy talking. "I agree, but let them do it on their own time. It took Judd and I ten years, so if they get past that then we can start pressuring them." Grace said, as we all stood in the kitchen. It's an open style house, so it's basically just one big room. It's divided up with the island in the kitchen, so it's more closed off. "I know, but just look at him." I couldn't help, but turning around to look at him. I wish I wouldn't of, because it almost made me want a baby now. "I guess, I do get it. He wants to enjoy how TK looks, for as long as possible. You know before he gets pregnant, and then there's all the cravings, mood swings, ugh.... Don't even get me started on the morning sickness, or how big you get."

I can't imagine that being the real reason Carlos doesn't want a baby now, I mean I said we could try for a baby. I wouldn't mind having a baby, and getting to see Carlos take care of it. Seeing Carlos with a baby is actually adorable, because he's so big compared to the little baby. Okay, stop. I don't need baby fever hitting me, we literally just had an appointment to prevent having a baby. All they gave me was basically birth control pills, they are preventative like 98% of the time. Basically, no baby till Carlos says. Even though I've tried talking him into it, more than once. He just doesn't want one right now, but he never gives actual answers. I mean maybe he's just trying to get out of having kids completely, which I guess is fine. I could get used to it, if and only if I can get a few puppies. I've always wanted one, and my parents never let me have one. My dad has one now, buttercup. He's so sweet, and cuddly. Every time I see him, it just makes me want one.

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