13: Telling The Team

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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Also I'm having a lot of fun with this Alpha/Omega AU, so I really hope you guys are enjoying it. If you would like another part to this just let me know, I will be happy to write it. I do take requests as well, so if you have an idea just DM me or leave it in the comments.

At Mom's House
Carlos' point of view
"Alright, you boys make yourself comfortable I'm gonna go get tea and snacks. I'll be right back." My mom said, before hurrying off to the kitchen leaving TK and I sitting on the porch. I sighed, before running my fingers through my hair. "What's got you so worked up? It's been bothering you, since last night just let me help." TK said, before leaning more on me, as he rubbed my shoulders. "Love, we're telling her about the baby. She's going to freak out, hopefully in a good way. It's just she's..." I sighed as I didn't really know where to take that. "You're worried, because she's your mom and you want her to be happy for you. She will be, I mean I'm already her favorite child." He said, before shrugging at the end with a huge grin.

"You're right, she'll be so happy for us." I said quietly, before leaning over to kiss his hairline. "We can't hide it much longer, I'm getting bigger. I'm already 14 weeks, and I don't want to hide behind super baggy clothes anymore." He mumbled, before pouting up at me. I couldn't resist kissing those pouty lips, our child is going to be adorable. "I know, tiger. You only talk about it constantly, but that's okay I think it's cute. You're ready to tell the team?" I asked, as he quickly and very eagerly nodded his head. "Okay, when should we tell them?" I asked, which was just answered with a shrug as my mom finally returned. "Oh, a secret what are we telling who?" She asked excitedly as she set down the drinks, and snack tray.

"Actually, you." Tyler said as he looked a crossed the table at her, when she sat down. "Oh, are you boys finally moving closer so I can see you more?" She said with a big hopeful smile, and I just rolled my eyes at her. I mean we come and see her two times a week, if we both can't make it then we come in separate visits. "Mami, we already visit twice a week. So we only spend one of our off days at home, but no we're not moving closer. Sorry, but the school is better by us." She nodded her head in an understanding way. She totally didn't get what I was hinting at, but that's okay. "Yes, for when you two finally give me grandchildren." She said smiling, before she began pouring us some tea.

"Well, come on what's the secret?" She asked when she handed TK his glass, before glancing between us. "We know your birthday isn't for a few weeks, but we just can't wait that long." TK said as he reached into his hoodie pocket to pull out the little box. I know it Texas, and hot but he is always freezing now. I also think it's an easy way to hide the small bump that starting to form. "Here you go." He said, when he placed it on the table. "Awe, aren't you two sweet." She said as she smiled at us, as she picked up the gift.

"Carlos, I swear if this is some evil joke.." She paused, as I shook my head no. She glanced at Ty, before immediately looking at his stomach which was covered by the hoodie. "I'm finally getting a grandchild?" She asked, before she got a little teary eyed. I nodded my head, and TK got up to hug her. People crying now make him cry, so I would imagine it was more to help himself. The note and pacifier was now left on the table, here let me explain this a bit. The note said "please hold onto this for me, because when I come to visit dad will most likely forget it.- Baby Reyes" The note was attached to the pacifier, TK saw this idea on some Facebook group. He is also not taking no as an answer currently.

A Few Days Later
TK's point of view
"What the hell man, since when do you do probies job instead of your own?" Judd asked when we finally got back from a call, all I did was help with crowd control, and helping with little easy things. "I'm just giving Mateo a chance to help with the bigger stuff, nothing wrong." I said as I turned to go shower, and hide myself in a hoodie. "No, somethings the matter. Is it that boy of yours?" I couldn't help, but roll my eyes. Judd immediately wants to attack Carlos if anything is remotely wrong with me, and it just pisses me off. "No, it's not. Now just drop it, it's really none of your business." I said, probably with a little more attitude then needed. "What if I don't drop it? Huh? You gonna go tell your daddy, pretty boy?" He said, before stepping closer to me, so he was kind of towering over me. I finally dropped my gaze to the ground, after meeting his eyes.

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