20 ~ Who is Haider?

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Gulaab POV

I looked around at the breathtaking sight in front of me. There was a huge garden full of flowers, trees, and fruits. To my every sight there were flower beds with almost every kind of flowers. I was really amazed and it lifted my mood up in a fraction of moments.

"It's beautiful" I breathed.

Walking forward, looking at each beautiful flower My sight fell on Red roses. They were big and almost uncountable.

It reminded me of my Brother. My eyes suddenly filled with water as I remembered the moments I spent with him. The whole moment flashes in front of my eyes as I was feeling it alive. A tear of happiness fell from my eyes and he caught my attention all of sudden.

"Are you alright?"

Washing my tear away, I said.

"Yeah... just missing someone very special"

He nodded looking at me and said.

"Come, I will show you something more beautiful."

I thinned my eyebrows wondering what could be more beautiful than this. He signaled me to walk along with him and I silently followed.

The Garden was huge and it had slight mountains and the most beautiful thing there was a waterfall. My sight falls on it accidently.

"Oh, My God!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and turned my heels all of sudden.

I could see it from a distance and to look at it closely, I ran almost. The noise of my anklets filled the environment and I laughed nonsense.

I ran towards it and stopped suddenly.

My heartbeat raced and I felt goosebumps when the chilled air hit my face. The droplets of cold water were touching my skin with the sound of water. It was breathtaking. The water was falling from a great height and in the huge pond. Behind that, there was sun setting and I could feel the rays falling on my face.

I couldn't even describe what I was feeling looking at there.

A huge smile appeared on my face and suddenly he caught my attention.

"You liked it?"

I almost jumped in excitement and nodded.

"I love it... It's beautiful. Can I take a bath in it someday?" I asked.

"Of course, But, not today." He said.

"This is so heavenly. I would love to stay here for whole my life" I committed.

"Seriously?" He asked making a strange face and I chuckled.

"Come, I will show you something beautiful," He asked and I nodded.

He guided me to the other way and there my sight fell on a hut-like thing.

"Whats this?" I asked looking at him.

"This is Grape Hut," He said.

It was looking as if that huge hut was recently made with fresh leaves.

I walked closer to it and he opened the gate of it for me.

"Wow" I was so freakin amazed looking at it.

The whole hut was huge and it was made of leaves. And I was shocked once I entered it.

"There were uncountable grapes hanging to the roof inside. They were fresh and alive.

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