Chapter 13 - Inconsiderate

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I couldn't stop smiling the entire day at work. Every one of the five customers we had commented on my cheeriness. I simply said, "It's a beautiful day to be alive."

My smile grew twice as large when Elian came in. I rushed around the counter and wrapped him in my arms, kissing him like I hadn't seen him in weeks. It got a bit intense. He had to be the one to pull away. "Whoa! Slow down, boy."

"Sorry. I just can't stop thinking about this morning. Can we do that again?"

"Right now?" he asked, incredulous.

I totally would if he would. We had a very large bathroom that I kept immaculately clean. And it's not like I'd never hung up the "Back in Fifteen Minutes" sign to grab lunch or just to take a break.

But I shook my head. "Tonight?"

He gave me a quick kiss. "Okay."

That kiss wasn't enough for me, so I pulled him back in for a proper kiss. When I tugged on his bottom lip with my teeth, he let out a growl that made me want to drag him to the bathroom right now and show him how much it affected me.

When the doorbell chimed, he jerked back out of my reach. We both looked over to see my mother standing at the entrance. She wore a low cut black and white polka-dotted sundress, having exchanged her ugly cowboy boots for nice white sandals with rhinestone details. Her blonde hair hung loosely over her shoulders. It was a dressy look for her. Mostly because she rarely wore dresses, except on special occasions. And I was pretty sure she'd used a curling iron. Her hair didn't usually do that wavy thing.

She looked very conflicted. I suspected she'd come in to yell at me for making her worry. I didn't bother going home this morning before work. I just wore the same clothes I'd worn last night for the date after I got them out of the dryer. At least they were clean.

She gripped the strap of her huge purse and hefted it higher on her shoulder as she sauntered over. She glanced at me, stopping at my side. Then she turned to examine Elian with pursed lips, crossing her arms over her chest. "I assume you're the reason I almost had a heart attack this morning."

I rolled my eyes. "Mom!"

"I'm so sorry." Elian placed a hand on his chest.

She laughed and tapped his shoulder. "I'm teasing you, sweetheart. It's not your fault my son is so inconsiderate of his only mother's feelings." She glared at me.

"I already told you what happened." I said.

"Over a text." Mom opened her purse, rifling through the contents. She pulled out her phone and found the message. She proceeded to read it in a mocking deep voice that I suppose was meant to be me: "Hey. I'm not dead. Fell asleep watching movies. See ya later."

She turned her phone to face Elian. "Would you send this to your frantic mother? Not even an apology."

Elian's eyes darted back and forth between me and Mom.

I stepped between them to rescue him from having to answer. "I had to work early. I couldn't come home."

"Oh, really?" She nodded her head. "Then who is it that Cathy told me she saw snuggling up in a booth at the cafe this morning?"

Damn Cathy. My mother's best friend had a habit of sticking her nose where it didn't belong. If I had known she was working, I would've gone somewhere else.

I shrugged. "I had to eat."

"Cathy said you stayed for almost an hour."

I groaned, gritting my teeth. "Cathy needs to mind her own damn business."

Mom popped me on the shoulder. "Don't be rude. She loves you like family. She told me because she was happy for you. That you finally met someone."

I blew out a breath, my anger deflating. "Sorry."

"I think I should go," Elian said. "Let you guys talk."

"No, no." Mom grabbed his arm. "I wasn't trying to run you off."

A strange look crossed her face. I didn't know what it meant, but I didn't like it. "Actually, how would you like to have dinner with us?"

"No," I said.

At the same time, Elian said, "Sure. What time?"

My mother smirked at me, too pleased. "We usually eat around eight. Stevie, is that okay for you with your schedule?"

Elian raised his hand to cover his mouth where he was trying to hide a grin.

"Eight is fine." I mumbled.

"Perfect!" Mom clapped her hands together. "I can't wait."

She started typing on her phone. She looked up at me for a second. "I've got some shopping to do." She smiled at Elian. "It was so nice to meet you."

"You, too, Mrs. Nash." Elian said, shaking the hand she'd offered.

"Call me, Brie."


"I'll see you later, hon." She stretched up on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek.

"Bye, Mom."

She waved on her way to the door, practically skipping with joy.

Elian slipped his arms around my waist. "Stevie, huh? That's cute."

"She's the only one who calls me that. Got it?"

He nodded. "Fine."

"Why'd you accept her invitation?"

"She's sweet, and I'd like to know more about you. I have a feeling she'll tell me all the juicy stuff that you never would."

I rolled my eyes. I was not looking forward to this. For more than one reason. "It ruins our plans."

He released an exasperated laugh. "They weren't exactly plans, Steven. It can wait a couple hours."

I hung my arms over his shoulders. "You're just so damn sexy, I don't know how you expect me to last that long."

Elian broke into that warm laugh of his. "I think I've created a monster."

"Just shut up and kiss me already."

"Yes, sir."

Elian closed the gap between us, grazing his lips across mine for a moment before pulling back. He did it again, letting his lips linger this time before receding.

I groaned in frustration. "Now you're just being cruel."

Elian's lips curved into a big smile as he leaned in, putting me out of my misery with a proper kiss that I felt all the way to my toes.

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