Chapter 26 - Just Breathe

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After Derek and Shelly called a ceasefire to their battle, we all just hung out. Derek lounged on Salvador, drink in hand with a Krazy Straw that magically appeared when I wasn't looking. Brittany sunbathed on the sunken platform in the shallow end. Shelly and Nathalie swam around the deep end. Shelly occasionally upset Salvador to make him rock and get Derek to yelping.

Meanwhile, Elian and I lounged somewhere in the middle, sticking to the shade cast by one of the palm trees surrounding the terrace, so I could avoid a sunburn. He kept his arms and legs wrapped loosely around me as we drifted through the water, mostly just chatting about nothing. Occasionally he'd draw in close and hold me tighter, rubbing against me to get me worked up. Then he'd kissed me for a few minutes and loosen his hold. It was both excruciating and highly enjoyable. I worried if he kept that up, I'd have a repeat of the incident.

After the third time he did it, I couldn't take it anymore. "Follow me." I whispered into his ear.

I swam to the other side of the pool and climbed out. Elian was right behind me.

"Where are you going?" Derek asked, paddling Salvador to the side of the pool.

I knelt down to speak softly. "I'm just gonna show him where the bathroom is."

"Uh-huh." Derek nodded and grinned. "Well, in case you lose your way and find yourself flipping a coin in there, you might find something to help you out in my nightstand."

My face burned hot as I recalled his earlier statement about coin flipping. Not to mention mine. I glanced over at Elian, smirking, obviously having guessed my intentions.

"Thanks," I told Derek.

"Use my room. My mom will notice if even one of her throw pillows is at a slightly wrong angle. Just make sure you lock the door. You don't want a retread of that night you walked in on me and Karen going at it."

I nodded and pushed Salvador to send Derek back into the middle of the pool. He gave me a salute as Salvador spiraled to face the other way.

I walked past Elian without saying a word. My skin felt like it was on fire as I padded through the house, leaving a breadcrumb trail of drips from the back door, up the stairs, and down the hall to Derek's room.

It did not surprise me when I opened his nightstand and found a bunch of condoms just thrown in there, along with a half empty bottle of lube.

I went over to Elian. He was still standing by the door. I pushed it shut and turned the lock.

Elian didn't hesitate. He lunged forward, locking our lips in a dance that was soon accompanied by tongues and groping hands. We discarded our swimsuits on the way to the bed, crashing down, letting our hands and lips search each other for the spots that made our skin tingle and our breaths quiver.

When it came time for the main event, I fished a condom out of the drawer and held it up.

He grinned. "I think you can handle getting it on by yourself now."

In the context of this moment, considering what we were doing, that sounded incredibly dirty to me. I actually laughed.

With my heart pounding, just like it had been before the very first time, I shook my head. "It's actually for you."

"Oh!" He looked shocked.

I panicked. "Um, I'm sorry. Is that not something you do?"

He shook his head. "I do it. I just didn't know you'd want to do that."

"I want to try." I said. "You certainly seem to enjoy it."

"But I've done it before. The first time is rarely good. Mine certainly wasn't. It usually hurts, especially if the other person isn't careful."

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