Chapter 4

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"What is up with that face?" Joane asks the moment I walk down the hallway to my office.

"I need to get laid," I say, stopping in front of her desk.

"Yes! Finally — wait, no!" She glares at me. "You need a soulmate, not a bedmate, and that's very unlike you, to begin with."

"Whatever, I'm not getting a boyfriend, you're not my mom. I can get laid if I want to, I'm an adult."

"You are the one that thinks sleeping around is nasty."

"Sleeping with random people is nasty."

"Then how? You make absolutely no sense, Esther."

"Are you up to cheating on Mark with me?" I tease her, making her roll her eyes.

"Who's cheating on who with who again?" Fantastic.

"Don't tell anyone," Joane winks at John.

"My lips are sealed shut," he says in the same teasing tone, zipping his lips together.

"You two, start working," I groan, giving them my back but stopping at the frame of my office, looking back at Joane. "Do visit my office later on," I wink at her.

I have no idea if he's following along or if he truly believes we have an affair, either way, it doesn't matter.

I sit at my desk, images of yesterday suddenly invading my headspace. How sex-deprived must I be to think of anything sexual regarding Louise? It's obvious she did it on purpose, but how idiotic of me to fall right into it.

Not because she's a girl, even though my mom would probably have a heart attack... not that she is homophobic, she just wants me to have children — Jewish children specifically. "We're 0.2% of the world's population, Esther" I can hear her voice nagging at my head.

After eight children and dozens of grandchildren, you'd think she'd be satisfied.

Apparently not.

I groan sitting up straight in my chair. I have no time to think about children and Louise, yet my mind would drift away every so often and trick me into thinking of her.

She is very attractive.

At the end of the day I did get everything done but the amount of times I had to stop to compose myself left little to no time to get work done ahead, which means more work for the weekend. I scolded myself under my breath as I was packing my stuff to leave.

"Still thinking about getting laid?" I hear Joane's voice coming from the door. "I didn't see you all day, it's unlike you not to come around to scold us."

"I shouldn't have to go there and tell you to do your job, to begin with. Yet if I don't—"

"It's not our fault you only come when we're taking a break."

"Of course," I squint my eyes at her. "If I go there twenty times, twenty times you're taking a break."

"What's really on your mind Esther."

"I went on a coffee date with Louise."

"Oh," she says seemingly taken aback. "Ok, what about it?" I simply groan, not really wanting to say it, how could I even say it? "You're having a little crush on her aren't you?"

"It's not that."

"Ok, so your vagina is having a little crush on her."

"No— Something like that... I thought you'd be excited about it, you were trying to set me up just a few days ago."

"Well, not with Louise."

"What's the difference?"

"Do I need to repeat myself every time? I want you to find a partner for life, not a 21-year-old fling. Unless you're thinking of marrying her?"

"Hell no."

"That's what I thought."

"Then good for you, because nothing is going to happen between me and Louise," I say simply, picking up my bag and walking to the door where she stood. "Let's go?"

"I'll stay for a while longer, I'm waiting for a call, go on ahead."

"I'll see you tomorrow then"

I wasn't expecting Joane to act so oddly but then again, I never really understood her, and her obsession with getting me married. If I didn't know better I'd say she and my mom were siding up.

When I made it into the elevator hall it was already about to close, I could make a run for it but is it really worth it? I didn't have the time to think about my possibilities though, the person inside was kind enough to hold it for me.

But as I got closer, the blessing quickly turned into a curse.

"Thank you," I say simply as I step in.

"No problem," Louise mutters as she rests her shoulder on the wall, her eyes never really leaving mine. I'd be lying if I say I'm not growing a bit nervous being in her presence, especially after yesterday, when she so obviously noticed my reaction. "You seem a bit stressed," she says as the elevator doors close, to my disgrace, no one else stepped inside with us.

"It's hard not to be."

"You need some fun in your life."

"I have plenty of fun when I'm not on my work hours, thank you."

"I bet," she smiles knowingly.

"That's my line."

"You're growing on me," she says teasingly. "I dare you to show me a fun time." I simply raise an eyebrow, silently asking her to elaborate. "Show me how you have fun, and I'll judge how fun it actually is."

"Oh, because your judgment is so important."

"I'm the queen of fun, so I guess you can say it is."

"I'll, unfortunately, have to decline," I say with a very obvious hint of irony. "You see, we have work tomorrow, or have you forgotten?"

"It's 6 PM, we have plenty of time," she says, tilting her head, completely dismissing the tone in my voice. We were one floor away from the 1st floor, the thought of making a run for it once the elevator doors opened slowly making its way back into my mind. What are the chances that she'd run after me?

I have longer legs than her but I'm wearing heels, and she's wearing Vans...

Why would she run after me? What a creep.

"So?" she hurries me as the elevator finally lands on the 1st floor.

The thought of running away dissipates as I look back at her. I refuse to admit I've been charmed — I'm simply in it for the dare she posed, I am a competitive person after all.

"Fine," I say simply, as the elevator doors slowly start to open, trying not to give away my excitement.

Her victorious smile, however, is enough to make me immediately regret my decision.

"So tell me, what is it that makes your heart race?"

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