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I started to jump on one leg because of the pain and without any signal or alert my body decided to fall because of the imbalance. I was about to fall on the floor but someone caught me by my elbow pulling me into themselves, preventing me from kissing the floor.

I closed my eyes because of the fear of impact of falling on the floor but it never came. I opened my eyes to see a muscular hand holding my elbow, keeping me steady. As I trailed my eyes from the hand to the face of my savior, I came face to face with Ace whose perfect face had a scowl like always. And damn those eyes. Even though I hate to admit but his grey eyes were something I really admired. In this whole body system of his, his eyes were something which held so many things inside them that I sometimes thought that is it only me who can see them or the others can also see it? Those grey eyes had so many different things and different strokes of color which made them look more beautiful. There were yellow and blue stokes diverging from the center and making some kind of patterns. If I were to describe his eyes in one word it would surely be-WAIT WHAT?

Was I just checking him out?

Technically, his eyes.

I shook my head to clear my not-so-useful brain and steadied myself, pulling my hand out of his strong grip. I cleared my throat because I couldn't think of anything else. I thought it was best to go because I could Ace staring at me, most probably in anger. I didn't need to look up to see it because it was obvious, instead I started to walk away. But before I could do that Mr. Apathetic decided to put his mouth into use, which of course was going to be the death of me tonight.

"Can you not even walk a single step without tripping?" Ace asked growling.

"I -" I started but was cut off by him.

"If you can't then how the heck did you reach that club ? Were you sleep walking? Oh no no, you day-walking right?" Ace said harshly.

"What d-" I wanted to ask him what did he mean by day walking, but I was again stopped by him.

"What the hell is your problem? Can't you just stop being stupid for sometime?" Ace yelled at me.

"But I didn't w-" And yes I was yet again cut off my him. Now he was really testing my patience.

"Oh just shut up! Why did you want to run away? What do you want to prove to everyone, that I forcibly married you? But why? Aren't you getting enough money to keep your mouth closed and do as I say? Do you think it is less? And today when you went out for shopping why didn't you use my money? You wanted to show that I don't treat you right and I don't give you any money for spending, right?"

I was really angry at this point. I am not going to let him cut me off this time.

"What do you-" I started.

"Wha-" Ace started but I cut him off this time.

"Enough Mr. Parker! I think I have had enough of you. I am not like you whose world revolves only around money and reputation. People like you have arrogance because of their money but people like me have manners and respect for our friends & family. People like you have reputation which they have built because of money but people like me have self respect which is because of our personality. So Mr. Ace Parker I want to make one thing very clear - I am not a gold digger. I do not give a damn to what you think about me but honestly today you have reached a height. I am not going to tolerate you misbehaving with me." I told him fiercely. Ace's faced had nothing but a black face.

"Oh is that so? Then why did you run away?" Asked Ace with sarcasm.

"I did not run away. I am not like you who runs away from their responsibilities by going away for 2 weeks. And honestly, I don't even mind that. At least I was at peace in your absence." I snapped at him.

Ace Of Hearts(#Book1 in ACE series)Where stories live. Discover now