Chapter 6: "Vanilla or chocolate ice cream moron!"

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Edited - 27.02.22


I woke up the next morning feeling like a truck was playing hopscotch in my head. It felt like someone was constantly hitting me with all their force and wanted to hit me to death. Or simply you could say that hangover was being a bitch, a very bad one. 

And then everything from the previous night came flooding back, worsening the headache.  Why the hell did I agree to their request of going to the bar? On top of it why did I drink! 

I don't drink usually. I am the one to stay sober and watch everyone around me get drunk. I think the ongoing quandaries of my life were to be held responsible for it. But whatever the reason and circumstances was - I am not drinking again. Not in this life time at least. 

I got up and sat leaning on my bed's headrest holding my head in my hands. 

"Hey Evie, Good morning! Though I know it's not a 'good' morning for you but nevertheless." Jake's chirpy voice made me groan. 

"Keep the chirpiness down, Jake." I murmured, rubbing my temples to reduce the throbbing pain. But it wasn't helping of course.

 "Ahh yeah. Take the aspirin on your table and here- take this glass of water" Jake said handing me the glass. I heaved in relief and said "I don't know what I would do without you."

"Oh don't be dramatic and keep those thoughts aside. You are not getting rid of me, not now not ever." He said to which I smiled and nodded. "You better not."  

"So for your hangover, I am just going to go and get a glass of lemonade for you. It will help." He said giving me a warm smile. What did I do to deserve this guy as my friend?

I mustered my remaining strength, and pulled him into a hug inhaling his masculine scent. 

"Did you take a bath here only?" I asked pulling back and he nodded telling me he did.

"Don't tell me you used my hair brush or -" I started as I remembered his old habit of doing that whenever he stayed the night with us. And this annoys me a lot.

 He is smart enough to  keep two pairs of spare clothes in our house to ensure that he isn't roaming around shirtless if he stays with us.  But he can't get his hairbrush? That's not done.

"Relax Evie. I didn't. I remembered you would have a headache and didn't want to annoy you further so yeah." He said and his brown eyes were filled with pure sincerity and I was surprised. He didn't?


But for formality sake, a raised my eyebrow in suspicion to which he pinched his neck skin, signing 'I swear I didn't'. I gave him a look and then eventually nodded. So considerate of him then. Aww.

"Okay so I have to go because I have an extra shift today at work. I will keep the lemonade on the kitchen counter, just have it after freshening up." Jake said making me forma 'o' with my mouth in understanding. 

He works in an IT company which is one of the best in the city. He has done a bachelor's degrees in computer science and engineering so that explains his secured and excellent job. In his twenty five years of life, he has never dreamt of doing anything else than initiating an Information Technology company headed by him in which he would ensure twenty percent of employment is for the backward communities of the society. You may wonder the reason for this and predict that it may be because of his own social status. But surprisingly that's not the case. He is from a good and affluent family. His parents are the most humble people I have met. His mother is a homemaker while his father is a government official. 

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