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The tale of Ophelia Lecter

"Ophelia Lecter, she was born on the 18th August in 1978. She was born in an unknown location in Spain by a woman named Amelia Lecter" Dumbledore starts as they all sit down by the table in 12th Grimmauld place. James had demanded to hear the story of his daughter that had caused her so much damage. Dumbledor had agreed and now they were all in for a long story.

"Her mother was not happy with giving birth to Ophelia, she never wanted a child and it showed as soon Ophelia was born. Her mother despised her and did anything to get rid of her. When Ophelia was 4 years old Amelia discovered it, the curse Ophelia bore" he started,

"I will go more into the curse at the end of the story, but all Amelia knew was that women in her bloodline had been cursed by this and now her daughter had been affected. The curse made Ophelia turn into a snake on both commands but was also affected by her emotions.

When Amelia found out about this she ended Ophelia away to a circus with magical creatures in it. She lived there from the day she turned five until the day she became eleven. Under that time she was forced to show her transformation to the crowd and if not she was heavily punished" Dumbledore said sadly.

tears streamed down James' face hearing the absolutely horrifying story of his daughter's life. Guilt creeps up on him, guilt for leaving her with that terrible woman. He may have not known about it but he can't help but blame himself. Lily puts an arm around Jame's shoulder while tears of her own streak down her face.

Dumbledore then shows them an old poster, it was a circus poster and on the front was a big piece of text with a picture on it.

'Meet Ophelia, mindless beast with fangs as venomous as the most lethal poison' it said. On the picture was a girl in the middle of a circle, she was short and looked to be no older than seven. Her hands were chained as blood dripped from the side of her face.

James looked away from the picture not being able to handle seeing his small daughter in such a state. His blood began to boil and he wanted nothing else than to rip those people's heads from their bodies. How dare they hurt his little girl?

"I found out about this when she had turned eleven, I suspected her magical blood and decided to save her. I took her from the circus and gave her a place at Hogwarts. Where she met Celia over here. It was in her fourth year she decided that she wanted to become a hit witch. I offered to help her prepare for it so she would be able to do it as soon as possible.

Because the most terrible part of the curse Ophelia has to bear, is that it shortens her life in a large amount" he finished sadly. James stood up from his seat not believing the words that were just spoken by the wizard.

"What do you mean a shortened life?" James inquired with fury lacing his voice. Dumbledore seemed to hesitate but Celia couldn't take it anymore.

"Ophelia is a maledictus," she said, all eyes fell on her as she said that. Lily put a hand over her mouth while tears streaked down her face, Hermione gasped and Remus looked down sadly. James notice his wife expression and asked,

"w-what's a-, a m-maleditcus?" he stuttered out. Sirius also looked confused and so did Harry, Ron, Fred, and George too. Dumbledore sighed before answering.

"A maleditcus is a female individual who carries a blood curse that turns them into some kind of creature on command, but with time the curse gets worse and eventually it transforms them permanently and gives them no opportunity to change back," Dumbledore informs them. Harry has tears streaming down his face by now. He just goes to his sister and now he's gonna sit here and wait on losing her.

Fred also has a few tears running down his face by now, he had developed a crush on the young Potter and hoped that it would one day turn into something more. But now he was gonna lose her.

James' reaction was by far the worst, a sobbed racked thru him as he got the news. He was gonna lose her forever. "W-when?" he asked in a shaky voice.

"I don't know" Dumbledore answered. But Celia, she knew.

"About two years" she answered, James, looked at her and saw how broken Celia actually felt thinking about losing her best friends. He understood,m she had known Ophelia much longer than he had, he knew she felt his pain.

"Isn't there any cure?" Lily asked Dumbledore shook his head sadly,

"I'm afraid that the only way to break the curse is to kill another bearer of the curse in the same bloodline, but since the curse jumps over some generations there's a small change of it being another maledictus in her bloodline alive" he answered.

Jame then stood up from his seat and exited the room, tears were streaking down his face. Sobs escaped his mouth as he opened the door to where Ophelia was resting. She had her eyes closed as James sat down on the side of her bed, he had closed the door and he put his hand in hers.

"I'm sorry" he whispered in a shaky voice while salty tears entered his mouth.

"I'm sorry" he whispered in a shaky voice while salty tears entered his mouth

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