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Battle of Hogwarts, part 1

"I've always wanted to use that spell" the professor gushed with a smile as she and Molly Weasley watched the stone-made knights march down the grand bridge, Molly only looked horrified at where the dark army was while Minerva was smiling happily.

"Protego maxima, Fianto duri, repello inicum"

Lights shot from the various people wands, an enchantingly beautiful barrier started to cover Hogwarts, it grew and grew until it was complete. They had a headstart, but one that wouldn't lept them for long,

Ophelia ran, she ran as fast as she could without stopping, her bare feet hit the woods floor as twigs snapped below her weight, shouts could be heard from behind her but she didn't dare look back.

She was free, she had freed herself and she was going home. The sun had gone down and darkness had taken over the sky, there was a dark aura around her and she could feel their presence. From a bit further away she could make out the housetops of Hogsmeade, she could have screamed and jumped in joy, but no time for that.

She eneterd the small town with caution, there was no people, no one was there, she looked around confused until she glanced towards Hogwarts. Around the school was a giant barrier, light was crashing against It and the shield seemed to weekend with every spell thrown.

She quickly ran over to Hogshead where one of the secret passages laid, the wind whipped against her bruised face while her feet ached from running barefoot. She knew how she must look to others, her grey sweatpants was dirty and bloody, they sat loosely except by her waist where they fit and they reached down to her ancles. She wore a white tanktop that sat tightly against her chest, it was torn and had huge red stains, you could see har black sports bra together with gashes from both muggle and wizarding torture.

Her grey hoodie was long gone and so was her socks, her hair was looking terrible, it was drenched in blood and was tangled in a huge mess. Her lip was split up, blood had dried beneath her nose but was thankfully not broken because of a wandless episky spell, she had bruises littering her whole face that was mixed by the colors blue, black, purple and yellow. Her arms was covered in scars and bruises, both old and new to say she looked horrible was an understatement.

But the thing that hurt and looked worse was her back, it was split up on several places, blood was oozing from some and she had a hard time keeping herself up, the deatheaters had taken the librity to even tho hating them using a muggle tool called a whip to hurt her. Ophelia was not unfamiliar with it already being a victim of the torturous weapon in her younger years, but not even the cirkus was this bad. Black scales had covered a bigger part of her body, they now covered a part of her arm as well as the bigger part of her collarbone together with some of her stomach, they made their way up a part of her throat and ended by her jawline.

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