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Frankie got overly-excited when she eventually walked through the door; she grabbed one of his treats from the top of the microwave and threw it down to him. After a quick shower, bacon sandwich and a half hour phone call with Adam catching up on the nights antics she was beginning to feel normal again. She took Frankie out for a quick walk and then decided with bill days coming up she should probably do some work. She logged in and picked out three easy clients – all booked in for the following day within an hour. There was Mr.Bickle an accountant who had been going home late and smelling like alcohol most nights. Mr.Klure who was recently unemployed but never seemed to be home, oh and his girlfriend found a used condom in their bin which she was certain they didn't use, and lastly Mr.Taylor an estate agent manager, whose wife had been reading his emails and discovered he had been sleeping with his assistant, ex-girlfriend and someone else, yet she needed Ella just so she could be sure. People really were naïve.

Ella ran her standard checks on these guys, going through their social media accounts and a quick google search usually gave her all the information she needed to know. She could usually gage the sorts of men they were and what she would need to pretend to be interested in to get them panting. It took no more than two hours research but it would make her around $2500. She loved the fact she was her own boss, she could pick and choose her clients, along with her hours and she knew a lot of people wouldn't approve if they knew what she did but she felt as if she was doing the right thing – helping women who were so desperate for loyalty they were willing to bait another woman to test their partners. She always did her best to keep her actual identity away from her clients and the men she would try to honey trap, her clientele was so varied however that she never really had to worry about being spotted in the same place twice, she also had the benefit of saying no if it didn't feel right.

The rest of the day she spent lazing on the sofa and catching up on Netflix, she took Frankie for a walk mid-afternoon then spent the evening online shopping in bed with Frankie curled up on her feet. Her alarm clanged at 6am and she knew she needed to be up, Frankie huffed at her as she pulled the sheets from over them both to get out of bed. She was going to start her day with Mr. Taylor; she had emailed his team requesting an appointment at 9am today. She dressed in a dark grey trouser suit with a tight white blouse unbuttoned to just above her breast and pointed black Valentino shoes. She pulled lose curls through the ends of her sun-kissed hair and let it flow freely down her back, she applied ruby red lipstick and black mascara and then she was ready. She could tell that he was the type to go for money and if not money then power and, if not power then a hot blonde. Luckily for her she was pulling off all three.

"Hi, I have an appointment booked with Mr.Taylor for 9am."

"No problem Miss, take a seat, he shouldn't be too much longer. Can I get you a drink?"

Ella shook her head and took a seat on the retired couch in the window. Her eyes flashed around the room wondering which one was his assistant, it could have literally been any woman here they were all 'Miami beautiful'. She saw a man enter through the door at the back of the room, he was just over six foot tall, knock-off designer suit, walked with cockiness, swaggered with arrogance and smiled with huge crystal white veneers.

"You must be Miss.Green?"

"Correct, Hannah is fine though." Ella shook his hand and smiled.

"Beautiful name, I'm Gerald and I'm going to be the one showing you around the property today, shall we head off?"

Ella nodded in agreement. They left the premises and went out to his car waiting outside; it was an old battered Audi. Ella wanted to laugh so bad because this guy really was the very definition of a pretentious twat.

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