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Jake had pre-warned her a few weeks ago that The Miami Herald was writing an article on Tom, including an interview.

However, the all-too-up-herself journalist had developed a crush on Tom and in an attempt to turn public opinion had centred it on how Ella got away with everything.

Ella had cried when she found out at first, every time she got herself to a place where she was starting to forget about Tom, something would happen and everything would come flooding back. Jake assured her he was trying to get the article stopped as she was slating Miami PD too but because he was directly mentioned – which he was almost certain was down to Erin going to the papers about him and Ella – he wasn't kept updated with whether or not it was going to be ran.

Ella knew it was going to get to her; this was the first article of its sort. Obviously, the media and the occasional passer-by on the street had made the odd abusive comment to her but in general she got a lot of support.

She never spoke about the violence she endured from Tom, or her father, or the threats Tom made because she didn't want to be perceived as the victim, she knew she wasn't completely innocent. Jake told her the paper was on the coffee table, a comment which he instantly regretted as she went flying in to pick it up.

"Els, why read it if you know it's going to upset you?"

"Because I want to see what bullshit has been written now, I'm sure you read it." She snapped back.

"I'll go make breakfast." Jake mumbled leaving the room.

Ella unfolded the pages of The Miami Herald that was strewn across the coffee table to read the headline:


She folded the paper back up and placed it back on the coffee table. Jake was right. Oh how she hated it when he was right. She knew it was going to bring everything back and make her deal with a lot of emotions she hadn't managed to process yet. But as she sat there in stony silence debating whether or not it was worth it, her hands had already ran away from her and her eyes were scanning over the article...

"Having my heart broken was worse than any sentence a Judge could give." – Thomas Marshall reveals he is pining his days away in the slammer.

By Helena Grealish

​We all remember the headlines following the conviction of Thomas Marshall, nicknamed Miami's own Al Capone, it was one of the biggest busts Miami PD have ever made and it flooded the papers for days with many missing persons reports being concluded and families finally getting the closure they needed.

The details of the trial for Marshall were slim however and many believed he had struck a deal to end up in minimum security,

​There's no doubt Marshall is a dangerous man, his list of charges ranges from first degree murder, distribution of narcotics, money laundering and a lot more that has been kept under wraps however what is most fascinating about this case was Marshall's partner.

She was a beautiful, young, British girl who had Marshall head over heels in love and was then the one who was responsible for putting him behind bars.

​The female in question asked to remain anonymous following the trial but they were a high profile couple often in the public eye and although there is now a court order in place preventing her name being publicised it can easily be found on a Google search. For the sake of this, we will refer to her as Holly*.

​Holly's evidence in Marshall's trial was first read aloud by the prosecution in the form of interview transcripts, then several hours of recorded interviews were played and eventually she was called onto the stand.

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