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August 10th, 2021


Location: Greenview, LA



I've decided that I hate the highway a lot more than the bayou. I could kill mosquitoes without anyone batting an eye, but the driver of a 2010 Blue Ford F150?


I think that would draw a lot of stares.


But what's a little bit of attention?

Gia and I were currently heading westbound on I-71, hoping that the airport exit would show any moment now. Neither of us had spoken a word since my revelation about 4.9 miles back in the heart of the swamp.

Due to our need for stealth in the marsh, the two of us were dressed in long-sleeved camouflage shirts and moss green yoga pants. In the middle of a Louisiana heat wave.

Every exit we passed, we looked for a store. Walmart, Kroger, even a Family Dollar, but no such luck. But I know we can't survive much longer with the clothes we were in. I've already stopped sweating and my vision is getting blurrier by the second.

We continued on for ten more minutes and, as an answer to my ever persistent prayers, the next exit hosted a Walmart. Only five minutes away from the airport. We pressed on, walking down the exit ramp and -


I loathe the human race.

We made it to the Walmart and immediately booked it to the self-checkout. After grabbing and paying for five bottles of water each, we started to hydrate ourselves whilst perusing the clothes.

"What do you think of this?"

I turned around, my third bottle of water at my lips, and looked at Genna's offer. It was a black tube top and a pair of white shorts. The shorts would reach to her mid thigh and had a few suggestively placed rips. To replace the black combat boots on her feet, she held up a pair of brown sandals with white straps. All in all, if she put on the right accessories, she'd look exactly like a young adult woman who was planning to spend the night on the town. The exact opposite of what we were going for.

"That's a good outfit for when you decide to go clubbing, but we need to look like tourists. We're only half an hour from New Orleans and, if we look like we were leaving after a weekend of touring, then we need to dress the part," I answered in hushed tones. It wasn't that busy, but you never know who could be listening.

Genna pouted as she looked at the cute outfit. She went to put it back and I felt a bit guilty, but we had to keep moving on if we're not going to get caught.

Honestly, I hate shopping. Don't get me wrong, I have a knack for knowing how to put together a convenient outfit for errand-running that is also cute enough for bumping into people you may know. However, shopping for clothes is my least favorite thing. Especially with today's fashion. I walked by a shirt that could've doubled as a bra.

We wandered into the Active Wear section and I spotted some black Capri leggings that had...they had POCKETS?!

"Dude, look at these!" I took them off the rack and showed off the pockets to Gia and she laughed.

"There are pockets," she said. I threw two pair into the cart, in our respective sizes, then looked at the shirts. Nothing seems to be working...

AH! Got it.

I quickly went back to the rack of shirts that Genevieve grabbed the tube top from and picked up a white one that was in my size and the black one that Gia had put away. After throwing them into the cart with the leggings, I went straight into the men's section and picked up an XXL black Hawaiian shirt with white hibiscus flowers. I grabbed another one in purple with yellow palm leaves.

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