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October 22nd, 2021


Location: Doniphan, NE


We made it back into the little tourist trap we had made our home for the past couple of weeks. This time without being bucked from my horse.

Once again, we dismounted just outside of the saloon and tied our horses up before walking in. As soon as I walked in, the hairs on my arms stood up. Something was wrong.

Gia and I exchanged glances. I motioned for her to head back to the employee's lounge and I made my way to the kitchen, which also housed the manager's office. Quietly, I crept through the swinging door. The hum of the refrigerators and hiss of dishwasher steam greeted me, but I heard something else. It sounded like footsteps, but I didn't see any moving shadows or catch any quick movements.

I made my way further into the room, being mindful of every step that I took. The footsteps got louder and that's when I noticed there were two different sets of them. Dainty ones and loud, inexperienced ones. They were coming from the manager's office.

I stepped up to the door, making sure my feet wouldn't cast a shadow at the bottom, and strained to hear what was going on. Freaking appliances and their dang need to work.

"Tell us...the girls...or...ask nicely...kill you...," were the only words that I could make out. It sounded like Peekaboo from yesterday was talking to someone.

"Please...I don' anything...just please...," was the response. Sammi. Peekaboo had Sammi locked in there. I tried twisting the knob, but the door was locked. Frick. I need in and I forgot a bobby pin.

I kept looking around for something that could jimmy the lock. A knife and fork would cause too much noise. I don't have a card. Crap. I heard a loud crash come from inside the office. Making too much noise be darned. I reared back and kicked the door in, causing splinters to fly everywhere as it gave way.

Rushing in, I saw Sammi on the ground, blood pooling by her head. I snapped my head up and caught Peekaboo's eyes. She looked frightened at the sight of me, but quickly recovered from her surprised state. I knelt down and held my fingers to Sammi's neck, trying to find a pulse.

I couldn't find anything.

Anger began to take hold of me. Sammi had just become a grandmother. She was planning on visiting her daughter and son-in-law at the end of this month - the first time she's been able to travel in three years. Her husband liked to surprise her with a small gift when she got home everyday. She didn't deserve this.

I rose slowly from the ground. "What did you do?"

Peekaboo remained indifferent and a smirk fell on her face as she said "I needed information that she didn't have. What was the point in keeping her around?"

"You killed her because she didn't have information about Genevra and me," I growled. Fear, once again, started to etch into her features.  She backed away when I started moving towards her. "There's a difference between taking the life of an innocent and taking the life of a mark."

Her back was pressed against the wall and terror was the only emotion in her eyes, yet that stupid smirk never left her face. "I told you it was best if you stayed."

With that remark, she tried to punch me in the jugular, but I ducked and she clocked my head instead. Using my position to my advantage, I shot my left leg forward and hooked onto her right, bringing her down. Her forehead hit the corner of the desk and she released a cry of pain. Blood spattered onto my new jacket.

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