11 || Attitude

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Song: The Weeknd - Hurt You (slowed + reverb)


There were a couple things to blame for my inability to fall asleep.

The rustling of the city beyond the window. The throbbing dull pain coming from the bump on the back of my head. The cold air wafting in through the vent next to my bed. Or perhaps, it was the sound of chatter coming from beyond my bedroom door that prevented me from falling asleep.

Getting up, I make my way into the hallway as I wipe my sweaty palms against the silk of my night shorts, my steps faltering once I make it to the threshold, where the living space meets the end of the hallway.

Kai stands off to the side watching Wes who paces back and forth before a man sitting on the couch.

The back of his dark head of hair is all I can make out from my position behind the couch, and from the sheer size and build of the man, I know it's Nico.

I wasn't one to eavesdrop but I had an inkling that their visit was in regards to me and the fact that I had almost died today.

"She's fine is she not?" Nico's smooth calm voice speaks. A complete contrast to Wes' clipped one.

I watch Nico's posture relax into the sofa as he nods back, towards where I'm standing. "If you're still so unsure, why don't you ask her yourself? She's standing right there."

My mouth hangs open in shock as I stare at the back of his head. How did he know I was standing here? He hadn't even turned his head.

Wes pauses, glancing up past Nico's shoulder and I take the opportunity to walk further into the room.

"Shit. You okay Josie?" He breathes, meeting me half way and grabbing onto my shoulders to scan my face.

I take another step forward as I side eye Nico's form leaning back into the couch. "She's probably scarred for life thanks to you. What were you thinking?" He doesn't scream, but the edge in his voice tells me he's trying really hard not to.

Nico's form on the couch merely eyes Wes with indifference as he places a hand on my shoulder, pulling me towards him protectively.

"Not my responsibility to look out for her. Nor do I need to explain myself." There's no malice or bitterness in his tone. In fact he sounds bored.

Wes' jaw ticks as he stares down at Nico, who doesn't look affected by the glare in the slightest. And even in his position- sitting down before Kai and Wes- it was clear who held the power.

"She's never had a job before. What makes you think she'd know how to handle a situation like that?"

I look back towards Nico who has yet to glance at me, but when his eyes do flicker to mine, the indifference cracks, making way for the hint of amusement to shine through. Dark amusement.

"And what makes you think it's okay to be putting words in her mouth?" His response is mildly surprising. He's more so amused than he is angry. I watch as his eyes- dancing with mirth -move back to me. "She's not a lost little deer."

My body tenses and I fight the urge to grind my teeth. I knew he was being sarcastic, my eyes slightly narrow at him.

I knew what he was doing. He was toying with me and by the hint of dark amusement in his eyes, he was enjoying it.

His taunting hadn't stopped and I didn't think it would ever stop. He was constantly judging me, and right now he was scrutinising me for being so coddled and I hated it.

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