48 || Gentleman

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Song: two feet - love is a bitch (slowed + reverb)


Flores Duarte Alvarez was a whore, an addict, a liar and a cheat.

And Arturo Moretto had a knack for warning me that if I ever turned into a whore like my mother, there'd be hell to pay.

But as the saying went; like mother, like son.

I was no different than her, and he - well I pray to every fucking god there is, that he's rolling in his grave dug out in the midst of hell every time he's forced to watch me do something he'd told me not to do.

The stars scatter around the moon in the sky and the steady sound of the pool water around me is light in my ear as I lean back along the ledge and bring the cigarette to my lips as I glance up at the sky.

And despite all this being therapeutic and shit, I'm still on edge.

You see, these whorish urges naturally ran in my blood, but i'd never enjoyed the act itself  as much as I did fucking Bambi.

There were no panic attacks, no regret, no disgust. Just pure need, desire and puppy shit.

I'd been starved of that for so fucking long that the second I got a taste of it, I needed more.

And by that I mean: I wanted to fuck her. All the fucking time.

I now realised why getting clean was so easy. I'd gotten the coke out of my system through means of replacement.

Bambi was said replacement.

The more I'm around her, the more I want her. Maybe it's affection, love or some other sappy shit like that, but I needed her around. All the fucking time.

Jesus fucking Christ.

She'd merely fallen asleep after beating the shit out of someone and here I was - confessing my love and despair in a pool, under the stars, alone.

I shake my head and take another drag of my cigarette.

I was losing it.


I wake to an empty bed.

One of the last thing I'd remembered was Nico saying he wanted to devour me.

We'd gotten up to his room and I'd forced the desperate man to control himself while I showered, scrubbed the marker off and to reward him for his time, I'd changed into a black lace bralette with the matching panties. It was bold, but his reaction was worth it.

The man had practically jumped me the second I'd gotten out of the bathroom, even going as far as to throw me down onto his bed - sans sheets. And when he finally climbed on top of me... I fell asleep.

I'd kept him waiting only to fall asleep.

Saying that I thought he was mad would be an understatement.

I slip on one of Nico's shirts and pad downstairs, glancing around the penthouse, the only source of light being the moonlight shining through the windows.

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