Chapter 13

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"I'm so tired," I pant out as I slump down on the floor

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"I'm so tired," I pant out as I slump down on the floor. I've been training ever since 8 in the morning and it is currently 3 in the afternoon. So that has me throwing punches and being kicked in the guts for about 7 hours. It was terrible but so worth it at the same time.

I am determined to win against Heath's sister. Sure I don't know the girl but still, it doesn't hurt to have a little faith in yourself. 

"Heath, we have been literally working on the punching bags ever since I got here. I want some action. Put me in the ring," I say working myself up.

"Prim, if I put you in the ring right now, and you go against me do you think you have a chance at beating me?" He asks as he crosses his arms over his naked chest.

Yep, you heard me. Heath is naked. Well, not naked naked. Not like butt naked. Just shirtless. I probably should've said shirtless. Anyway, he complained about it getting 'hot in here' so he decided to take off his shirt. Agonizingly slow. There's literally an air conditioner on all corners of this gym. 

"No," I mumble, answering his previous question. 

"That's what I thought," He says with a smirk. "Back to punching," He says and I groan in annoyance. 

"You know you can be a real pain in the ass right?" I say as I stand back up.

"I know. If I'm a pain in your ass then I'm doing something right," He says and sends a wink my way. I roll my eyes and groan. 

"I need a drink," I walk away from the punching back and grab my water bottle. Heath follows me and just stands there with his hands on his hips.

"Aren't you hot in that sweater?" He asks, rubbing the material in between his thumb and pointer finger.

"No, it's pretty cool in here," I say as I wipe the water that dripped down on my chin. "You know you should play football," I blurt out. He raises his eyebrows at me. "Yeah, I think you'd be really good at catching those footballs while running at the same time," I say.

"So you're not hot wearing a sweater?" He asks, going back to his previous question and ignoring my previous statement.

"Yeah, I think I'm doing okay," I say giving him a thumbs up.

"Okay, well I'm going to turn down the air conditioner, it's getting pretty chilly in here," He says and stalks off.

"Don't you have a shirt?" I yell from across the room.

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"Punch harder Prim," Heath's voice calls out as my punches grow weaker. We took like a 10-minute break. Jed, Nash, and Kade came to visit on how I'm doing. And now we're back to throwing punches. Again.

"I'm tired of punching Heath," I say annoyed. "I already told you that I want to go in the ring. I've already been in there so what's the difference if I go in right now? I'm sure I'm way more prepared now than I was back then," 

"Prim, like I said. You wanted us to train you harder. And if we put you in that ring we will give it all we've got. Do you think you can handle that?" Heath asks, a serious tone in his voice.

I slump in defeat. "No," I mumble again. Sweat beads start to roll down my forehead and onto my neck. The sweatshirt is getting sticky on my skin. I feel gross and icky. "And why is it so hot in here?" I question loudly. 

I march over to the control and look at the degrees. 83 degrees Fahrenheit?! That's so hot. What the hell? Who in their right minds changed it? Oh, wait. This is funny. Is this a joke? Heath fucking changed the room temperature so it would be hot. I start laughing evilly. I see what he's doing.

I sigh loudly, making my way back to the guys. "It is getting very hot. I should take off my sweatshirt. Right now," I say as I start to lift the material over my stomach. "Oh, don't mind my wearing of only a bra," I say with a grin.

I slowly start to take off the sweatshirt over my head.

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Okay, I admit I did try to make the temperature in the room hotter to try and get Prim to take off her sweater

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Okay, I admit I did try to make the temperature in the room hotter to try and get Prim to take off her sweater. But that was before the guys came. I totally forgot that the room became hot, so now Prim's attempting to tease me. She knows what I did. But she doesn't know I know that she knows. 

"It's pretty chilly in here don't you think," I say quickly, trying to stop her from taking her sweatshirt off. I am not allowing any other guy to see what Prim looks like in only her bra. She doesn't know it yet but those are for my eyes only.

"Nah, it's 83 degrees. I'm sweating," She says with an evil glint in her eyes. What. A. Tease.

"I'll change the temperature," I say and rush to the control. I quickly change the temperature so that it's 60 degrees. Making sure it gets cold enough for her to want to put her sweater back on. "Okay, I changed it!" I yell back. "You can put your sweater back on Prim."

"Oh no, I think I'm good. Didn't you say that it was pretty hot wearing a sweatshirt?" She asks with an eyebrow raised and one of those evil smirks. "Do my boobs look big in this bra Heath?" She turns to face me, causing all eyes to turn to myself. Don't look, Heath. Be respectful and don't look. 

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in, counting to ten. I have never resisted so much in my life before. I open my eyes back up to see a smirk playing on her lips. The guys have absolutely no clue about what is going on at the moment. "You look fine," I nervously. My voice sounds like someone is holding a gun to my head. 

"Oh really? You didn't even look?" She says. "But that's okay. I already know I look fine," She adds and turns back around. 

I breathe a huge sigh of relief. God that was so hard not looking. I know I said I wanted to see her in her bra, but not like that. Not when basically all of the guys are here. 

I follow her back to the punching bags. The whole time training her, I found it hard to maintain control. Not right here, not right now, Heath. "I'm gonna take a break for a bit. Um, Jed do you mind continuing for me? I'll be right back," I say rushing it out.

"Sure," Jed says and steps up. I quickly make my way to the bathroom, slamming the door shut and locking it. 

I look down to see my Heath junior all ready and hard. Damn you, Prim. I close my eyes once more and take a deep breath in and turn on the water faucet to cold water. I splash some of the water on my face, relieving some of the tension, and grab a towel to dry my face off. 

Once he is somewhat not noticeable, I unlock the door and make my way back out to the others, walking a bit weird as I do so to make sure that it's not noticeable for Prim. Or else she would smile in victory.

She's playing an evil yet dangerous game here. And she will be the one to lose. Game on Hendricks. 

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