Chosen - chapter forty-four

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Chapter Forty-Four

Cassius and I rode in the golden carriage with Suleiman and the older woman who confronted me on the deck. I stared out the window, ten other carriages followed us and a long line of others walking even further behind.

"Cassius, I'd like to introduce you to my primary wife Mahidevran Sultan."

"It's a pleasure, lady." He took her hand and kissed it lightly.

"Lady Joselyn, how is your father? It has been some time since I've seen the Duke."

"He's well," I replied half-heartedly, staring out the window trying to determine which carriage Belle was in.

"Yes, those are for all of my other wives and children."

"Other wives?" I asked as though Cassius hadn't already told me.

"Yes. I have quite a few."


"Why not?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders.

"I've heard you've been doing great things with your empire, Suleiman." Cassius tried to change the course of the conversation.

"Yes, I have. The latest battle has proved quite successful. I managed to absorb quite a bit of territory and trade with the East is quite profitable. You'll have to stroll through the market during your visit to see if there is anything you would like imported to England. We have a wonderful new coffee drink that you may enjoy," he said, nodding his head.

"You enjoy coffee here?" I asked in disgust.

Suleiman laughed heartily. "Yes. Coffees and teas are quite a delicious and popular drink in the area."

"I wouldn't mind trying some new teas," I said.

"I'll have some fine selections brought to your chamber. Ah, here we are. Welcome to Topkapi palace!"

I turned to see a massive white stone structure before us. Spire shot toward the sky and guards stood on either side of the gate. Once inside, the carriages came to a stop in a grand courtyard. I stared in awe at the openness of the palace. I stepped out of the carriage and followed Suleiman inside. The colors inside were breathtaking. Reds, oranges, yellows, and blues adorned the walls, tapestries, and furniture. A couch sat beneath trellises on a raised platform against one wall. A large, plush window seat took up half a wall near a far window. Chandeliers hung low and emanated with remarkable candlelight, adding to the natural light from all the windows and archways leading to the inner courtyard.

"Your majesty, I am in awe of the magnificence of your palace. It is quite remarkable."

"Thank you, lady. The wonderful weather here allows us to have a more open palace than those in other areas of the world. I had this blue tile imported and hand designed."

"I am truly impressed," I said.

"My man over there will show you to your chambers. Do get some rest before supper."

"Thank you, Suleiman," Cassius said, hugging the other king.

I pretended to be admiring the room as I spun around. Belle stood towards the back near a large arched window staring out at the sea. My heart wrenched that she was so close to me and I could do nothing.

Soon, Belle! I promise!

"Lady Joselyn, this way please," a tall, olive-skinned man called to me.

"Oh, yes, of course."

The doors where tall, arched, and not a typical oak color. They were painted white with beautiful gold and red designs surrounding the entranceway. My mouth hung open as we crossed the threshold. In the center of the room sat another raised platform and canopy. The woodwork had the most beautiful designs carved up to the canopy, which had amazing detailed paintwork in red, orange, and blue. The bed, which was the center attraction of the room, was nothing more than an oversized mattress with gold and brown bedding on it and a ridiculous number of pillows.

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