Chosen - Chapter Fifty-Four

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Chapter Fifty-Four

My wedding day approached much faster than I thought it would. I arose that morning before the head of the household even appeared to wake me. Sitting on the edge of the bed, my stomach did flips about thinking about finally being joined with the man I'd grown to love. Angeline's wedding the day prior had been a lovely affair. Noblemen and women from across the kingdom gathered in the gardens to witness their joining. She asked me to be her primary lady during the ceremony, which I gladly accepted. Her gown sparkled in the sunlight from all the jewels that the seamstresses stitched into it. I didn't stay long at the feast. I wanted to sleep early for my own big day.

"Ah, Lady Joselyn, you are already awake. Marvelous. Shall we get you prepared?" For the first time since I met her, the head seamstress cracked a smile.

"Yes. I'm ready."

We went through the process of washing my hair, scrubbing my body, and removing the old chemise. After helping with all the undergarments, they had me sit on a stool as they went about designing my hair in such an intricate way. A few curls fell loosely about my face while most were piled atop my head with jeweled pins. The day seemed to go by so quickly. The morning drifted into afternoon as they continued to work on finishing touches to the gown and veil while putting a touch of rouge on my cheeks and lips.

Knocking at the door caused everyone to stop dead in their tracks. "The king is here to speak with the lady briefly."

"Of course," the head seamstress said to Harry.

They quickly threw a robe over me as Cassius walked in followed by Harry. I stood, dipping into a low curtsy before sitting once again.

"I have something for you, sweetheart." He motioned for Harry to move forward. In his hands was a red bag.

Cassius uncovered it, revealing a beautiful golden grown covered in amethysts and pearls. My mouth dropped open at the sight of the impeccable object. He removed it from the satin resting spot and placed it atop my head, nestled nicely amongst my curls.

"Fit for a queen," he said, a small smile appearing on his face.

I turned to look in the mirror. The gems and gold sparkled in the midday sun.

"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!"

"I'm glad you like it. I have another being crafted for your coronation."

"My coronation?" I asked.

"Yes. You shall be crowned queen in an amazing celebration in a week's time."

I nodded and curtsied as he left the room. I plopped down on the stool as the ladies continued to ready me. A veil tucked under my hair, secured with a pin that had a large diamond on the end.

"Time for the gown, Madame," the elder woman said.


"Are you all right?" she asked.

"Perfectly fine," I replied, stepping into the skirt.

They fastened it tightly about my waist as the top was pulled on and the ribbons yanked as hard as they could. The fabric weighed so much that my hips ached. As a cape was fastened to the back of the gown, they led me from the room. I took the same as the days prior for all the celebrations and ceremonies. The large doors to the throne room were already shut, but I could hear muffled talking coming from the other side.

"Are you ready?" I turned to see Belle standing behind me, a small belly peeking beneath the fabric.

"Belle! You are with child!"

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