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t-mobile 📶 LTE 44%

thursday, december 19

notification center                                             ×

IMESSAGE                                             2hr ago
pick you up at 11

🔦 📷


"hey naomi." i call out to my friend in the bathroom.

"yeah?" their voice comes out faintly, behind the door.

"my mom's picking me up in an hour."

i hear the sound of the curtain being moved swiftly to one side and a muffled "shit". the door opens as namoi steps out. they tuck a chunk of hair behind their ear as they smile at me.

"we can go downstairs and make breakfast pizza."

"let's do it."


i stare out the window of my mom's car as she drives me to the rec center. the familiar, stupid trees that loom over the slope down the street near my high school taunt me. they have no responsibilities. no worries. and they look pretty year-round.

i silently curse them as the car passes under them. when the sun peeks out from behind them and the canopy ends, i shift back in my seat. i move my hand back to the center console to turn the volume up on the music, allowing my thoughts to be drowned out.

i open my mouth to remind my mom, "mom. don't forget to pick me up at 8 tonight near the playground."

"adya. don't forget to text me." she gives me a gentle smile as she pulls up to the front of the rec.

i give her a wave as i step out of the running car, grabbing my tote bag and phone. i begin walking to the wooden gate that stays permanently open, when i turn around to watch my mom drive away. the parking lot is decently packed as there are nightly games being played. mostly baseball and softball.

i kick some dirt and pebbles as i make my way to the concession stand in the center of the area. i wave to emma as she yells my name from across the way.

"adya!" she yells, dragging out the second "a" in my name. i put my finger to my mouth in an attempt to shush her as strangers are now staring at us. i pick up the pace and jog towards emma so i can put my hand on her mouth to shut her up.

"i hate you sometimes."

"only sometimes." she says behind my hand. i glare at her and remove my hand, so i can walk behind the counter.

"okay. so i'll deal with the food and you can deal with the money."



"and 1 bag of chips." a middle schooler tells me as i grab the sample box.

"which flavor?"

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