
218 11 4

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

i wake up feeling groggy as i plug my almost dead phone to charge. i stretch out my arms as i allow a huge yawn to escape my mouth.

my lockscreen has a few texts from naomi and the volunteering groupchat i'm in. i ignore the notifications as i'll wait until later to answer them.

8:11 AM.

i close my eyes to hear the complete silence in my house, allowing myself to take a deep breath. i won't be able to have any more mornings like this since winter break is ending soon and i'll be back to my school schedule.

adrien, my beloved cat, is probably sleeping underneath my mom's bed. i'll bother him later.

i flop back on my bed. to open instagram to busy myself until my mom wakes up so we can run errands, and i'm enjoying myself, scrolling through my explore page.

until i find myself stalking louis' instagram and almost accidentally liking an old pic of his. i quickly remove my thumb from the screen as i stare at the pic. louis looks to be around 11 or 12 in the pic. he has a massive smile on his face.

my cheeks begin to hurt when i realize that the pain is from smiling too much... smiling at louis.

oh no.

what am i doing.


10:39 ➤  📶 LTE 85%

naomi yoo
today 10:39 AM




how may i be of assistance

can you knock me into
a coma

that sounds like too
much work :/


why not

that would mean i would
have to get up from my bed,
drive to your house, find an
object to knock you out with,
and then aggressively beat you

i'd rather just keep reading
this shitty fanfic

also i don't think my college
would appreciate it if i
became a criminal

for me???


can you go complain
to the boy???


he caused this...

i hope he fails his act


too late

i've already spoken it into


i'm going to text him


favorite crime; LOUIS PARTRIDGE ✓Where stories live. Discover now