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Chapter 26

"Stop moaning, it's turning me on." Casey giggles.

"But you're so good." I moan again. "Ugh, never stop."

"Smells nice, right? It detoxifies the scalp and slows down the growth of gray hair."

She rubs red pimento oil on my scalp, slowly massaging it in. Her head massages are so relaxing, she could rub dog shit and I'd still be enjoying it.

Grant's idea of taking the day off was a blessing. I finally had a moment to look in the mirror and transform from a sloppy monkey to a fresh poodle. Even got my nails done.

"So... are you excited for San Diego? You guys going to go out after work?" Casey asks, now adding black castor oil. That one's gross. Too thick and sticky. That's what she said.

"I don't know. We haven't really been on good terms lately." I feign casualness. "But enough about me, how are you and Jacob?"

"Amazing." She beams, voice brighter. "Ugh, my God, I can't believe it took me this long to realize how perfect he is. All these years, we've know each other, and I couldn't see it."

"Well, it's not like he ever said anything to you. How were you supposed to know?" I mutter.

"Please, didn't you and everyone else tell me he has feelings for me?"

"I was guessing, based on how he was acting around you. But guessing's not safe, you need proof."

"I think actions are proof. Anyone can tell you whatever you want to hear." She opens a jar of coconut oil and scoops a generous amount. She rubs her hands together and the solid chunks melt, making suggestive sounds.

"I guess you could've asked him, huh. Maybe that would've pushed him to say something?" The image of Lucas pops in my head like an update reminder. I swipe it away.

"It depends. I read in my psych class that everyone has their own love language. Some people express it through acts of service, others with words. Then there's gifts and physical affection. Mine are gifts and acts of service."

I wonder what Lucas's love language is. Definitely not words. He sucks at those. Unless they're meant to torment me.

Not gifts either. He said he hates them when I bought souvenirs at the airport.

Physical affection? He did open up when I got on his lap. And the time I head butted him in the nuts.

Acts of service? Have I done anything? Hmm... I did do all those surveys and research for 'Operation Crack Lucas.' But I don't think that counts.

Also, it's not like we're dating.

"Like, I've noticed he always gets me a pink straw when he buys us boba. He knows it's my favorite color." Casey goes on.

Lucas said I look good in royal blue. Is that something he evaluates about everyone?

"Or, if I get angry, he'll wrap me in a bear hug and hold me like that for twenty seconds."

He pets my hair when I'm pissed. I still don't get how that calmed me down.

"He always buys me hot Cheetos if he goes to a store or a gas station." Casey giggles, wrapping my hair in a bun. "It hurts when I poop, but the gesture's still nice."

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