37 For Us

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"What are we singing?" Gia asks, pouring us sake.

Lucas fiercely eyes the shot glass as I take it. I think he's still traumatized from last time.

"Relax, this is a work environment. I'm not going to go crazy." I roll my eyes.

"I don't trust you."

"What's he talking about?" Gia laughs.

"Sake turns me into a stand up comedian and Lucas doesn't want to lose the spotlight." I say with a cheeky shrug and take the shot.

"Oh, I know!" I turn to face him with a sly grin. "Maybe I'll sing 'Daddy Issues' by The Neighborhood."

"No, you won't." God, it's so hot. His eyes widen. "Don't even think about it."

I giggle at how flustered he gets in public. There are about ten colleagues in the large karaoke room. We reserved it for just an hour. It's a dark space with a large screen TV and a table with a long couch around it.

Everyone's been singing for the last thirty minutes. I'm purposely in the corner to be the last one. That way, by the time it's my turn, the hour will be over and I'll dash out of the room.

"Don't worry..." I lean close, brushing my lips on the shell of his ear. "I'm more of a private performance type of girl."

He suppresses a smirk. I marvel at his stubbled jawline. My nose gets tickled with his scent. I want to drink him in. Sit on him. Squeeze my face on the crook of his neck.

"Can we leave?"

"No." He chuckles. It makes me happy that my childish behaviors amuses him.

"Please? I'll beg... "


"That's really not helping." I deadpan, annoyed at the heat between my legs. He smirks a little, aware of his effect.

He glances around before leaning close. His hand snakes under my shirt on my lower back, drawing random shapes with his thumb."Be a good girl and you'll get rewarded."

"Oh... " I grin.

He shakes his head as if I'm too much to handle.

"Layla, let's sing." Gia says. Oh shit, she's here.

I blush, immediately back to my shell. "Oh, um. It's not my turn yet!"

She laughs. "It's okay! Come on, let's sing something."

"No... please." I groan. "I really rather cheer from my seat. I'm such a good clapper. Look." I do a slow clap, sticking my bottom lip out to show how impressed I am.

Gia glares. "Wonderful. You look like my eighty year old grandpa in his rocking chair."

"That's a compliment. Old people are highly entertaining. I'd vibe with him. Hell, I'll go over to have tea and a conversation right now, where does he live?"

Gina cocks her head at Lucas in disbelief. "What's wrong with her?"

"I ask the same question every day."

She hands me the remote and places the giant book on my lap. "Pick a damn song or I'm going to pick something very embarrassing."

This girl really doesn't know me. If we were alone, I'd choose a filthy song and dirty dance on the table.

I decide to take the rest of the thirty minutes to flip through the book, trying to pick the "perfect" song.

Two minutes into it, Gia gets impatient. "You're stalling, Layla!"

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