Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Leigh was about to go to sleep when her phone rang and she looked to see that it was her friend.

"I'm going to bed, what do you want?" she asked.

"So, who is the redheaded woman that Michelle was talking too?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw Michelle at the Polo Match today... were you there too?"

"Of course, you know that we always come to the match."

"I saw a redheaded woman talking to her."

"Oh, um... that is one of the women from her school that came to the match too. She was asking her about future college stuff."

"Oh..." he sounded sad.

"Look, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I seriously need to go to bed."

"Okay, fine. Goodnight."


Leigh ended the call and sighed. "That was close."


Sunday; 3pm


Ashlyn was in her room reading a book alone when she heard a knock at her door.

"Come in," she said not wanting to get up, and was at a good part of the book.

The door opens and in walks Nancy and the makeup and dressing crew.

"It's time to get ready for tonight," Nancy beamed.

Ash sighed, "I don't understand why I have to dress up for the musical."

Then someone new walked into the room and Ash could tell she was not nice.

"I'm sorry, but you are in the company of Lady Fellows from now on. You will dress up when she does, and with Miss Michelle." She had an iPad in hand and a Bluetooth piece in her ear, also dressed up in a complete black business suit. "You will follow the orders given by Lady Fellows and/or by me. You are to be following a tight schedule since you are to be at the theater by 1800 hours." She sighed and looked at her watch, "Now, because of your silly nonsense, we are late."

"Excuse me," Ash said already not liking her. "You are not the boss of me. I am a big girl and I know how to dress and do my own hair and makeup, which I'm not really a fan of thank you very much." Ash looked at the crew; luckily, they were the same ones yesterday. "Of course yesterday was awesome, so thank you."

"Oh, I'm sorry, but you are in 'high class' now," the woman used her fingers as a quotation. "You're not in the low life that you lived in before you came here."

"Excuse me?!" Ash asked in shock and getting upset.

"Leigh is the daughter of..."

"Okay, um, for your information, I already know about Leigh's 'whole' family life, thank you very much," Ash used air quotations too, "If you think I'm here just because I took this great offer of a 'free trip' to come to visit my friend for the summer, you are so dead wrong. I knew this trip was costly. I wasn't even sure about coming until she offered to pay for the whole trip. So, don't come into my room, UNANNOUNCED by the way, and bitch me out for what of a 'low life' my life really is. I'm sorry that I'm not fucking 'rich' in your eyes, but for damn sure, at least I have family and friends back home that love me for me and my son. My family may not be rich, but at least I know how to run a family business."

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