o25. peaceful

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"LIV! I HAVE the best news you'll hear today," Cora rushed into Liv's bedroom. Since Liv's accident with her family, she hasn't been the same shiny cheerful girl like she was before that. Until two days ago when Cora showed her a song she wrote and posted on YouTube called 'Liv', where she sang about how in love she is with her, how Cora's strawberry blonde hair and Liv's chestnut brown hair flew in the wind in those musical car rides and how she needed nobody else in the world except for Liv. It was quite romantic.

"What is it?" Liv asked, turning the TV's volume down. Cora sighed with a smile on her face and handed Liv her phone. "WHAT!?" Liv yelled and Tate came in running through the door. "What the fuck happened?" she asked.

Olivia passed the phone to Tate to show her the good news. "HOLY SHIT, CORA!" Tate laughed and the two girls hugged her.

She had been signed with a record company and they wanted her to make a new album with original songs.

"This is so great, I'm so happy for you!" Liv smiled, hugging her even tighter this time. Both Tate and Olivia were extremely proud of her. Even after all the obstacles that came into Liv and Cora's way never broke them up. That proved how strong their love is. And because of this now both of the girls have a career to take care of.

"We have to go celebrate," Olivia said, getting way more excited than Cora was. "I can't go I have a date," Tate said. It was true, she was getting ready when Liv screamed she almost birth herself with the curling iron. "You're always on dates," Cora pointed out.

Tate would date the stupidest guys there were and if they weren't stupid they were boring. "I know. I just date them because I'm bored," Tate shrugged. She has always been the type of girl that would date men for fun and not because she was lonely, but this time was different. "But hey. You two know this guy. He's awesome and I think this one is not just for fun," she admitted. Cora and Olivia were intrigued about who that mystery guy was but she refused to answer any questions.

As Tate left for her date, Cora and Olivia left for theirs. They were going to have a car picnic near a lake.

When they drove off, they couldn't help but talk about what had gone down a few days ago with Liv's mom and her.

"So, has your mom texted you anything or called you yet?" Cora asked as she drove. "No, not really, why?" Liv answered. Olivia's mom trusted more her liar of a niece than her daughter and you couldn't imagine how much that hurt Liv. "Just checking,"

When they were younger, Tara was always the center of attention in her family while she had no talent whatsoever. (Unless you count making Liv's childhood miserable a talent).

At the age of six, Olivia started to realize that she was a great singer and actress, so she started taking acting classes. Her father always said that she would be one of the top artists in the music industry, knowing that singing was her strength.

At the age of ten, Olivia would sing and dance but people would only look at Tara's puppet show.

When they were thirteen, Olivia started acting in a Disney show called Bizaardvark. Finally, she was the center of attention in her family but she didn't care anymore. Tara could have all the attention in the world and Liv couldn't give less fucks. She and Tara started to get along again. Olivia moved out at the age of seventeen and when she was eighteen her career was at its finest. This brings us to the present.

The two girls sat on the back of Cora's car with some blankets and pillows so they could get comfortable. "This is so peaceful," Cora said as she took a bite of her hamburger. Olivia knew that Cora would make it far in her singing career. She could sense it.

"Look, Tate is on a date with Wyatt!" Olivia said as she passed Tate's Instagram story, where Wyatt was noticeably there. "I hope they last. They make a great couple," Cora said.

When they finished eating, they sat on a huge rock that was on the shore of the lake. The water was very clear and you could see fishes swimming. Flowers grew close and the sun shined a lot brighter today.

"I still can't believe that you signed with a company! I'm so proud of you, Cor," Olivia leaned in for a kiss, which Cora gave back. "Thank you," Cora smiled.

"You know, I'm kinda really in love with you," Cora admitted. This made Olivia blush instantly. Even though they were dating, Olivia still felt nervous every time Cora complimented her or told her she loved her. It's something she hadn't been used to from past relationships. "I'm kinda really in love with you, too," she replied.

"Can you promise me one thing?" Cora asked. Olivia would promise her anything to keep her by her side. "Anything," she responded. "If we ever get married-"

"When," Olivia corrected her. "When we get married..." she allowed her to go on. Cora smiled. "When we get married, let's not tell anyone. Let's not even get married, let's escape this world, delete our social media's and just vanish to a house in northern Italy. You and I,"

"I promise we'll do that," Olivia said, kissing her one more time.

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「 author's note 」

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author's note

okay now the book is actually coming
to an end this time :) i'm sorry if this
seemed short, i tried making it the
longest i could and i think this might
be it. probably one more chapter or
an epilogue and things will be over 😭🤞🏻
girl that was so dramatic and for what

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