Baby Shark and Halloween

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Rest of the week went pretty smoothly mostly talking about Halloween party and what everyone would be dressing up as.
"For the last time, we are not going as any psychotic killers!" Noah said when Ashley suggested they go as Joker and Harley Quinn. I chuckled at Noah. Ashley loved going as a villain in every Halloween party and I want to gag at her choices but the truth is she nails every costume she wears. I was sitting in the cafeteria with Noah and Ashley and not trying at all to stop their argument.
"Why don't you guys go as IT?" I suggested and Ashley's face broke into a huge smile. She looked at him to say something but he beat her into it.
"Absolutely not." He said and she frowned. 
"How about Bat women and Batman?" Noah said and she looked at him as if he just grew two heads.
"I am not wearing a skin tight costume that will knock the air right out of me." She said and he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, like Harley Quinn is so comfortable."
"She carries a hammer. Anything she wears is fine." Ashley said and I laughed. I was Emma and Sofia approaching us.

"How about Thor and Loki?" Sofia said and Emma shrugged.
"Bro again, it doesn't matter what I think, you should ask Chris." Emma said and sat beside me.
"Halloween costume?" I asked and she nodded. Pretty soon everyone else joined in and we all decided for our costumes. Everyone had decided to dress as a couple so that leaves me and Carter to do the same. I looked at him and he shrugged.
"How about you become Drogon and I will Daenerys Targaryen?" I asked and he smirked.
"So, you will ride me?" He said and I made a gross face.
"Never mind." I said and went back to eating.
"How about La la Land?" I asked.
"Too cheesy."
"Sheldon and Amy?"
"Too Nerdy."
"KFC and Chicken?"
"Too Simple."
"Edward and Bella?"
"Too Lame."
"Baby Shark?"
"Too childish."
"Anabella and Chucky?" 
"Too scary."
"Gamora and Star Lord?"
"Too much effort."
"Ash and Pikachu?"
"Too... actually that's perfect." He said grinning at me. 
"Finally!" I said and decided to buy a Pikachu costume. 
"You will be Ash and I will be Pikachu." I said and he nodded. 
"You guys, let's go costume shopping today evening. I will bring Joe as well." Mia said and we all nodded.
"What are you going as?" I asked and she smiled at me.
"Oreo and cream." She said and we laughed out loud.
"Good choice!" Noah said and we went back in talking about random stuff. 

I told mom about our plan she was very excited about it. I quickly changed into baggy pants and a lose t-shirt and went out to find the girls waiting for me.
"You all aren't coming in?" I asked and Emma looked at me as if I said the world is flat.
"We don't have time dude. We have to pick the guys up as well. Everyone take their partners and let's meet at the shop. Deal?" 
"Deal." We all said and I took my bike to pick Carter up. He just came out of his house when I parked in front.
"Ready?" I asked him and he ginned.
"Can I drive?" He asked me and I parked my bike for him to sit on the front.
"Shall we Ash?" I asked him as I sat behind him.
"We shall Pikachu." He said and we took off. 
"Five minutes later, we reached the shop and we were the first to arrive. I waited for others to come and it took less time than I anticipated considering how much time the guys took to get ready on the beach.
"Okay, guys move to your section, girls, let's go to ours. We will meet in an hour?" Emma said and we all nodded. 

"No dude, that is creamy in awkward places." Ashley told Mia and she laughed.
"True dat." She said and went back to try another Oreo cream costume." She was the first one to try because she is gonna take more time than any of us. She came back with the last costume that the shop has and we all nodded in agreement.
"This will do." I said and everyone agreed. Mia sighed and was happy that it was finally over. 
"My turn." Ashley said and went in.
"What did you guys decide again?" I asked her while she was inside the dressing room.
"Egyptian Pharaohs." She shouted enough for us to hear and I chuckled.
"He agreed for it?"
"After a lot of begging, he did." She said and came out wearing a very revealing Egyptian goddess. 
"So, there is sexy and there is slutty. This is slutty." Emma said and we all agreed.
"Agrh! Fair. Wait let me try something else. I am not comfortable in this either." She said and went back in. After many groans and struggles, she back out in a much better costume. She was wearing a black strapless one piece with a golden silver belt. She had a blue orange choker/necklace and bangles with blue fringes attached to it. Her legs were covered with golden laces that were attached to the heels she chose.
"Isn't there a hair thing in the costume as well?" Sofia asked and Ashley went back in her room to search it and came back wearing a very whatever it was in a very disfigured hair. 
"The costume is perfect but we have to do something about your hair." Mia said and she chuckled. 
"Great I am done. Who's next?" Ashley said and I raised my hand like a small baby. They all laughed and I quickly went in with my dresses.
"Okay how's this?" I said trying out the first one.
"No dude, you like the fattest and lamest pikachu ever." Emma said and I looked down realizing it wasn't good. 
"Right." I said and went back in. 
"This one?" I asked and they all frowned.
"It's nice but then again, its not good enough."
"To be precise, not sexy enough." Ashley said and everyone else nodded. I went in and tried the most sexy one from the stash. It barely covered any part of my body and I had to squeeze in to fit. I went out and they all gaped at me.
"Bro you took out sexy reply too seriously." Sofia said and Mia frowned at me.
"It's a good I-am-going-have-sex-tonight costume but not Halloween. Unless that's what you are going for." Mia said and I made an eww face.
"Gross! No! Wait I will change." I said and went back in. I tried the fourth one and I actually kind of liked it. It was a yellow deep neck t-shirt and black shorts. It was paired with yellow socks and white shoes with a pikachu ear hairband. I wore everything and went out.

"That's perfect!" Emma said.
"Yeah, that's not too sexy but not too boring either." Mia said and went back in to change and pack this one. Finally, a good one.
"Okay, I am done." I said and Sofia went in with her clothes. 
"How is this?" She came out wearing the Wanda costume from Wanda Vision. 
"I think we got a winner in the first try." I said and Ashley nodded.
"Where's the hair thing?" Emma asked and Sofia shook her head furiously.
"That thing is ridiculous. I am so not wearing that."
"I mean it completes the costume." Mia said and Sofia grunted.
"Fine." She said and wore the net kind of thing on her head. I think it was a crown, I seriously have no idea.
"It looks nice dude." I said and she looked at me with innocent eyes.
"Yeah, it fits you." Emma said and Sofia smiled. 
"Fine then. I am done." She said and Emma took her costume inside. She came out wearing an eighteen century English clothes and we all groaned.
"Is this one of your literature craps?" Ashley said and she frowned.
"Hey, its not crap okay? Pride and Prejudice is a master piece." She said in defense.
"That changes everything." Sofia said in sarcasm and we'll laughed.
"Come on you guys! You are gonna help me out or not?" 
"Fine fine, we are sorry." I said and we studied her clothes properly.
"Yeah, I haven't read the book but I guess you can show a little more skin." I said and she looked down.
"Hm, true." She said and went back in.
"Now?" She asked wearing the same dress but this time the dress fitted her perfectly, enhancing her curves and with a deep neck that wasn't slutty.
"I like this one. You guys?" I said and asked the others and they shared the same opinion.
"Okay, great. We are all done then." Emma said and went back in to change in her regular clothes. We waited outside for ten minutes but there was no sign of the guys. We all barged into their section and saw them all huddling and talking about something. I cleared my throat and they all looked at me.
"What are you guys planning?" I asked and they all exchanged glances with Mark.
"If the costumes we chose were really good." Mark said and squinted my eyes at him. That was obviously not it but I let it go. 
"Are you all done?" Emma asked impatiently and they nodded.
"Then let's go. What are you waiting for?" I asked and they all followed us. We went back home and I showed mom my costume.

"Peach! That's a nice choice." She said excitedly and I chuckled.
"Yeah the girls helped me pick it out. We are going as couples so I and Carter are going as Ash and Pikachu." I said and she smiled.
"That's a nice choice."
"What did you pick. You have your office party right?" I asked and she nodded furiously.
"Yeah! I and Paul are going as Daenerys and John Snow." She said and I smiled.
"So, silver hair?" 
"Yeah, I am gonna put a wig. That much color will destroy my hair." She said and I laughed.
"True. Can I see yours?" I asked and she went back to her room immediately. She came back out wearing a blue sleeveless dress with a cut in the bottom. She had a blue cape to match it with.
"You look flawless. Paul won't be able to his eyes off you." I said and she blushed.
"Thank you Peach! I am hoping that's what happens." She said and I smiled at her.
"You go change and I will make dinner tonight." I said and she went happily. I knew she was tired today, I could see the look on her face. She had to work a lot tonight and I will be a bad daughter if I let her cook. I quickly took all the ingredients and started preparing Chicken Fried steak. While the oil was heating, I decided on a sweet dish for her as well. I knew I had cookies and cream in my fridge so I settled for a chocolate brownie. When she came back, we ate and she told me how she is excited about the party and asked me about other uniforms. I told her everything and she was very impressed.
"Peach, I am so happy you guys are going to have this kickass party but remember to complete your school work before you get busy."
"Yeah mom, I am gonna complete it today itself." I said and we finished eating. She liked the brownie and she definitely needed it.

Carter's P.O.V.

"Bro this is a good plan right?" Mark said for the fifteenth time today and I rolled my eyes.
"Dude she will love it. You are sure she likes you so I know she will say yes." I assured him and I could imagine him smiling.
"Thanks man! I appreciate your help. Let's see how it goes." He said and hung up. Halloween is going to be hell of a party!


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