Disney Princess and Letters

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Dresses they choose from left to right:


The next few weeks were horrible to say the least. I was still not over the fact that I just a broke a perfectly nice guy's heart and every day that passed, I felt more and more like I did the wrong thing. Every time I saw him from distance, my heart skipped a beat. It choked me every day to see him so far away from him. He stopped hanging out with us and it all became really weird. He started talking to the football jocks and he ate lunch with them as well. Ever since that incident in Halloween party, he never even glanced at me. I never realized how much I missed his gaze on me. His eyes that held so many emotions were now just blank. Many times, he came to school to bandages around his hand or a broken arm. It clearly means that he has been participating in that bike race again and it pains me to see him hurt.

I parked my bike and went in to school. Everyone was talking and chatting excitedly with a pamphlet in their hand. I saw Mia and Ashley sitting behind a desk. There was a poster hung from one locker to the other where "PROM" was written in sparkles. 

"What are you guys doing?" I asked them.
"Prom queen and king nominations, duh." Mia said.
"And who all do we have here?" 
"I think Carla stood for it and considering how famous Emma became after that Halloween thing, we were thinking maybe she should stand up for it as well." Ashley explained and I nodded.
"And kings?" 
"Chris thought of giving it a shot and so did Mark and there is another guy named Brian." She said and I frowned. I have heard that name before but I just can't put my finger on it. I shrugged the thought and started walking towards my locker. Ever since that Carter incident, I have been low. I feel like I have no enthusiasm or excitement for things. When I opened my locker, I saw Sofia and Emma chatting there.

"We have to go prom dress shopping." Emma said and I frowned.
"You know I am not going."
"Why not?" She said in annoyance. I didn't tell my friends about what happened because I felt like I was doing the wrong thing here. I was afraid to admit to my friends that I am a really really stupid idiot who let go of an amazing guy just because I was not ready. I don't even know what not ready means anymore. 
"Can't say." I said quietly.
"Then we are taking you shopping." She said and I knew there was no point in arguing with her. I hummed and went to my class. I knew I was early but who cares. Rest of the classes went like any other day. Carter came and sat to the farthest corner from me and the girl who was sitting beside him sighed at his glory. Every time that happened it just made me realize more and more that if I didn't do something soon, I will lose him to someone who genuinely cares about him and understands how important he is. I tried talking to him once or twice, calling his name when everyone went out of the room but he never stopped. He never looked back, he never even acknowledged me. It felt like I was a pest in his life, someone that didn't matter to him at all, he didn't care if I existed in the first place and those realities were just like arrows piercing through my heart. On wrong decision and I lost him. But I will damned if I didn't give one last shot. 

Emma came in front of my house with Sofia, Mia and Ashley at exactly six. We all went to a close by mall to choose the dresses. Halloween is on Sunday and it was Friday and although I was going to this Prom thing, I didn't have a date. By default I thought it would be Carter but after what happened, that plan went right down the drain. We parked and quickly went in. They said it was my turn to choose first and honestly I was more than happy with it. I just wanted to get this over with. I chose a white net dress and put it on.
"You are not getting married dude!" Ashley said and I noticed that was obviously a wrong choice.
"Try this." Emma said and handed me a blue dress which had cut on weird places.
"How do you even wear this?" I asked her skeptically and she chuckled.
"Just put it on and you will figure it out."
"Title of your sex tape." I said and went in. She was right though. It had a cut on my waist and it was strapless low neck dress that showed a lot of my cleavage.
"Yeah this is not happening." I said when I got out and they all smiled sadly at me.
"Guys, maybe I should just not go."
"Nope." Ashley said.
"Not happening." Mia said.
"You are going." Emma said.
"We will drag your soul if that's what it takes." Sofia said and we all laughed. They really are my best friends.
"Okay how about this?" I said when I came back wearing a red lace dress. It was strapless but not too down to look like a hooker. It had net around my lower body and it fit me perfectly.
"Damn girl that looks awesome. I am almost jealous that I didn't pick it first." Ashley said and I chuckled.
"So, this is it?" I asked and they all nodded eagerly.

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