Twenty s.i.x

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Avantika was surprised by the kiss. Nikhil slowly moved back as he sensed that she was uncomfortable.

She moved away and wore the bangles so that her wounds were not visible.

"You are looking gorgeous", he said.

"Thanks", she replied.

There was an awkward silence for a moment. Nikhil kept on staring her and avantika being shy, tried to avoid any eye contact with him.

"It's already 6:30. We will get late. Let's go", avantika said, trying to divert his mind.

"Hmm", nikhil said and held her hand.


At the venue

Nikhil and avantika walked inside, hand in hand. He took avantika, protecting her from the crowd surrounding them.

"Dad, they have arrived", manik said when he spotted nikhil and avantika.

A smile came on everyone's face and they went to meet them.

Avantika and nikhil touched madhav's and sahil's feet.

Manik hugged her sister and said, "I am so happy to see you".

"Me too", avantika murmured.

Manik's eyebrows wrinkled when he saw the bandage on Avantika's forehead.

"How did this happen??", manik asked.

"Bhaiya......", avantika stammered. She was not able to think of any false reason. Her mind was recalling all the fearful memories of that day.

She started looking here and there, trying to avoid eye contact with manik.

"Look at me", manik said, chinning her up. "Tell me"

Avantika tried to speak but it seemed like she had lost all her words.

"Manik bhaiya, the event is going to start", nikhil came to her rescue.

"But nikhil, how did she hurt herself", he asked.

"Bhaiya....neither you are going anywhere after the party nor avantika is going to go anywhere. You will have a long time to complete your conversation", nikhil said.

Manik smiled and went to take a seat.

"You did not tell the truth right now but I know bhaiya will ask this question again. What will we say then?? Huh??", avantika questioned.

"I will say the truth", nikhil replied.

"What??", she gasped.

"Yes because I don't want to hide the truth and whatever happened, it was not your mistake", nikhil said.

Avantika smiled with a quick blink and they both took their seats. Nikhil kept holding Avantika's hand under the table.

"Leave my hand", avantika whispered.

Nikhil nodded his head in a no and tightened his grip on her hand.

"Nikhil,what if anyone sees??", she murmured.

"So what!! I am not holding hand of any other girl. I am holding my wife's hand and I do not care what others say", he replied.

Avantika was shocked by Nikhil's response but on the other side, she was really contented by the love and respect that nikhil was giving her.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am very glad for the success of this project. I am really proud of my son, nikhil. The work done by him and his team is remarkable. I congratulate the team for their success", sahil said on the microphone.

Everyone applauded when his speech was over.

"Now I would like to give away a token of love from my side to my dear son-in-law because he is the one because of whom this project was successful", madhav announced.

The spotlight turned to nikhil. The whole room was filled with the noise of claps and appreciation.

Nikhil looked at avantika and she gave him a reassuring smile.

Nikhil got from his seat and walked up to the stage.

He took the mike from madhav and said, "Before taking this gift, I want to say something. I would like to thank the  board for trusting me and giving this big opportunity to me".

The room grew silent and everyone focused on nikhil.

"This company was started by my father many years ago and I never thought that I would get a chance to work for this company. I had seen my father and my chachu working hard, day and night. They have given their sweat and blood to expand their business to such great heights. Then, my elder brother abir, joined. He has achieved success in just few years"

Nikhil stopped for a moment and then started again, "Honestly speaking, I was very nervous and scared. It was such an important project and I thought that it should not have been given to a beginner like me. I was really confused that how will I be able to execute such a big project. I had lost hope but there was one person who was by my side always, my wife avantika".

Nikhil locked eyes with avantika. She was shocked to be mentioned in his speech.

"I am not sure if she realizes it or not but she made me a better person. She is one who helped me throughout. Whenever I felt low, avantika was the one who cheered me up. She has worked more than me on this project. She has sacrificed her sleep to make this project successful. She is the most hardworking member of our board. If I am successful today, it is all because of my wife. So, if you really want to appreciate me for this, you should appreciate her. Avantika, please come on the stage and accept this gift".

Everyone looked at avantika. She had not recovered from this shock yet and she was welcomed by another shock.

Nikhil came down the stage to take avantika with him.

"May I ??", he said, giving his hand.

Avantika smiled and put her hand in his. They walked up to the stage together and together received the gift.


Everyone came back to the hotel nearly at 11 pm.

As soon as they came back, nikhil told them everything what happened with avantika, a day before yesterday.

All of them were very angry in the starting. Manik had lost his cool and he was ready to go to police station to break shivam's bones but when all the elders and nikhil stopped him, he gulped down his anger.

In nikhil and Avantika's room

"Thank you so much nikhil", she said

"But what did I do??", nikhil asked

"What did you do?? You stopped manik bhaiya and.....", avantika said

"Not just me, papa, chachu and abir bhaiya also", he said interfering her.

"Okay. Thank you for giving me so much respect in the party", she said

"I am not accepting this thanks", he replied sternly

"Why?", she asked being completely ignorant of what he was about to do.

"This is not the way to thank your husband", he said with his hands back.

"Then how should I thank you Mr. Husband??", she asked.

"I will accept this thanks only when you will kiss me", nikhil said

"What??", she snapped being totally shocked because of Nikhil's demand.

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