Chapter 20

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"We need a reason to celebrate, Adelyn's birthday is the perfect reason for all of us to get drunk." Isabelle says applying more lipstick.

"Ok." I reply not wanting to be honest.

Anyone who knows Adelyn, knows that she hates to be the centre of attention. Especially, since we're here for a wedding. The one thing she's always desired but believes she'll never get.


"Renee told me that Adelyn has no plans today so she'll probably be studying in her room. Her schedule will be free but if you run into her going out make sure you get her to the club on time." Isabelle practices before walking towards the door.

I nod slightly. "Bye, love you." She says as she walks out the door. I sigh as the door slams shut.

Isabelle wanted to move past from our issues that we never really talked about it. I can tell she isn't over it, because when we're alone she kind of ignores me. It feels like she only wants to be with me so I'm not with anyone else...


I knock once on Adelyn's door before it opens a few seconds later.

"I'm running late, sorry." She replies rushing back into the room to stand in front of the mirror. Adelyn grabs an earring from the table and begins putting it in.

I walk inside her room. "We aren't in a rush." I say honestly as she rushes around her room.

She looked beautiful. She's wearing a flowing maxi blue and white pattern skirt, that is slightly longer at the back than the front. Along with a white cropped shirt that reaches just below her belly button. Her brown hair sits straight and flows as she moves.

Adelyn slips on her bracelets before sitting down and putting on her white air forces. I motion towards the door and she begins to follow my motion, but stops in front of the mirror.

She flattens her hand over her stomach and I watch as her face softens. Her eyes begin to water.

"Adelyn." I say softly.

She looks at me through the mirror.

"You look beautiful. You always look beautiful."

My face softens as her lips turn to a small smile and she walks out of the hotel room.

We reach the lobby and I watch as she constantly searches the room.

"Are you looking for someone or avoiding someone?" I ask as we walk out of the hotel.

"Both." She says honestly as we begin walking down the sidewalk.

I watch as she takes notice of everything around her. The people that walk past us, the cars that drive along side us, the birds, the ocean on the other side of the sidewalk. Everything.

"I thought New York was more your style then Miami?" I question with a smirk.

She chuckles and punches my arm slightly. "I guess I changed my mind."

"So,-" I start.

"Oh great." Adelyn sighs.


"I knew it was too good to be true."

"You don't even know what I'm going to say."

"Fine, go on."

"While it's just you and me, there's no one else around- I have to ask. What's going on?"

"Ethan-" She says softly and turns to me.

"Nope, let's pretend we're still in high school. You're the codependent and fragile teenager, and I'm the big strong jock that always rescues you." I say sarcastically.

Adelyn laughs and pushes me slightly. "That is definitely not how I remember our relationship." She continues to laugh.

"That's how I choose to remember it." I chuckle.

Adelyn rolls her eyes as her laughing begins to stop. "Well, if I was talking to high school Ethan- I would tell him that everything I ever wanted for myself, I don't have. Some things aren't important but others, I feel like were things that made me the person I was, and the person I wanted to be." She explains.

I nod understanding.

"I have so many supporters but at the same time I don't think I've ever felt so lonely."

"Ever?" I ask.

She nods her head and turns her head away from me as we continue walking. "At least in high school I had you, now it feels like I have no one that wouldn't truly judge me." Her voice breaks and her eyes gloss.

My heart feels like it just broke.

This girl- she means- so much to me. To see her get upset really hurts me. In so many ways. Mostly in ways someone with a different girlfriend shouldn't.

4 years ago

"Hi." Adelyn says as she enters through my window. I look up from my desk. "Hey." I reply.

"I'm sorry about earlier." She says honestly.

Adelyn and I got into an argument and she threw the old, "shut up, you're not even my boyfriend" in my face. What am I suppose to say to that? Because it's true.

I nod my head in response.

"Do you forgive me?" Adelyn pouts as she walks over to me. I can't help but chuckle slightly. "I forgive you." I reply as she sits across my legs.

My arm holds her waist as she kisses me. After a few seconds we pull away. I reach across my desk and pick up the wrapped square box.

I pass it to her and she looks up at me. "You really thought I forgot, huh?" I chuckle slightly.

"I really did." She chuckles. "Open it." I say as I grow impatient.

Adelyn quickly unwraps the box. She opens it to reveal a beaded sterling silver bracelet with a tiny heart that hangs off of it.

"Oh my gosh, it's beautiful." She says in awe.

I can't help but smile at her reaction. I help her put it on while she stays gushing over it.

"Thank you so much, Ethan." Adelyn says honestly as she turns to me.

I smile in return. "You're welcome. One day I'll get you the matching necklace."

Adelyn chuckles slightly.

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