Chapter Twenty Seven: Pool Punch Up

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Chapter twenty seven.

'I can't believe we're finished!'

Hailey was beyond ecstatic. She was flailing her arms about and jumping up and down on the spot.

'We're finished forever B! No more exams, no more studying! We're graduating baby!'

Blair only sunk into bench outside their school in complete and utter exhaustion. They had finally completed the last exam and she felt ridiculously drained. Although she was reveling in the feeling of all the equations and meanings filtering out of her quicker then she stuffed them in.

'I'll never need to know any of this crap ever again!' Hailey whooped as Brady joined them flopping onto the grass by the bench with a happy sigh.

'Well...' Blair wheedled.

'No, no! Shut up! I don't want to hear anything about our futures,' Hailey waved her off with a grin. 'Tonight is all about forgetting everything we've learnt for the exams.'

'Sounds like a plan!' Brady grinned over at them lazily. 'Where are we going?'

'Hey guys,' Lacy joined them sitting on the grass next to Brady. 'Whose pumped that we've finished exams?'

'You bet,' Hailey whooped again and Blair had to laugh at her.

'What are you guys doing tonight? No one's having a huge party, a bunch of us were thinking of trying to get into a club?' Lacy threw the idea out there.

'Maybe I'll have one,' Brady said nonchalantly. 'My folks are heading off this afternoon for two nights. We could have a pool party...'

'Well why didn't you say!' Lacy exclaimed bringing out her phone and texting furiously on it. 'I'll invite everyone.'

Brady shrugged, way too happy about exams to care how many people were invited.

'Only seniors though, and only people who actually did exams,' Lacy scrunched up her nose. 'Don't want any losers hanging around.'

Blair rolled her eyes slightly but held back, it sure was weird hanging out with Lacy now. She was so used to the girl being mean to her. And they still had to call her out from time to time when she was being too mean to others.

Suddenly Cade stormed over grabbing Hailey in a bear hug and twirling her off the ground, 'Woohoo! We're done!'

'How do you think you went?' He turned to Blair with a wicked grin. 'Do you think I had a chance of knocking you off your number one spot?'

'Absolutely not,' she smiled back up at him. 'Although I knew you had an ulterior motive for studying with me all weekend. You just wanted to pick my brains.'

After their movies night Cade and Blair had spent the rest of the weekend on the poolside table studying for Maths together. She was surprised how easy he was to get along with once she attempted to ignore his teasing and subtle digs. When she had placed the gemstones he gave her above her notes pages he even blushed a little giving her a shy smile.

'Did they work then?' He had asked.

'I think so,' Blair has responded shrugging. She wasn't sure if it was the stones or the fact her mood had been lifted considerably but she was able to concentrate more easily.

Blair was suddenly aware of the others watching their exchange closely and she blushed slightly standing up. 'Are we going to party or what?' She asked them trying to divert the attention.

'We sure are,' Hailey linked arms with her best friend as they headed over to the cars. 'We'll get dressed and literally head straight over to yours Brady.'

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