Chapter Fifteen: If looks could kill...

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Chapter fifteen.

The day was beautiful, the light pouring in through Hailey's bedroom window as Blair sat at the desk studying. The suns warmth was comforting on her back as she tried in vain to concentrate on the math problems before her. Instead all she could do was replay the last few weeks over and over in her head.

Meeting Cade first and thinking he was an absolute dickhead, whilst he was very good looking Blair pretty much hated him right off the bat. She desperately tried to remember exactly when it went from hate to this lust-type thing they were doing now. She decided it probably had something to do with the uncontrollable urge she had whenever she sees him to jump him...

Vague flashbacks of him at school ignoring her and teasing her at home made her think the mutual dislike for each other hadn't actually disappeared in the last few days. Perhaps nothing had changed at all? They were just having casual sex in between their extreme dislike for one another.

Blair frowned at that thought, it sounded bad when she put it that way. She really needed to discuss it with Hailey.

'Hey nerd,' Cade popped his head around Hailey's door.

Blair rolled her eyes in response, and that was the only response he would get when calling her immature names.

'Where's Hailey?' He continued when she didn't answer him.

Blair shrugged, 'I think she's at Jake's for tonight.'

'Well I guess it's just us for lunch then.'

Blair glanced over at the doorway slightly surprised but Cade had already left she could hear him thundering down the stairs.

'Lunch is ready, get your ass down here!' She heard him call from downstairs.

Blair froze with her pen poised in the air against her cheek, Cade had cooked her lunch? She hesitantly got up and walked downstairs not quite sure if it was a little joke by the usual sullen teenager.

She opened the kitchen door and spotted two place mats set at the counter top, cutlery, napkins, glasses and two plates of steaming vegetable soup and cheesy bread. Blair's mouth dropped open and she turned to Cade with an eyebrow raised.

He simply shrugged, 'I used to make this at home all the time. It's a secret recipe of mine that's amazing.'

Blair smiled despite herself, 'Modest aren't you.'

He winked, 'I can't help when I know I'm good at something.'

She couldn't help but feel the double meaning to his sentence and sat down at the table with a slight blush. This was awkward wasn't it? Her and Cade were having lunch together...alone...

It still would have been weird if Hailey was there because she didn't like Cade at all. She probably would have refused to sit down, or taken the lunch back upstairs.

Blair had a fleeting thought that she should have done that, what was she doing sitting down with him like this? What did this even mean?

'Relax, you look a little stressed,' Cade rolled his eyes at her. 'Its just soup I promise it's good.'

'Oh, no I wasn't...' Blair trailed off not bothering to explain, instead tucking in with probably too must gusto. She burnt her tongue and cried out.

Cade chuckled at her, 'You're kind of clumsy you know that? For someone with such great coordination in sports you suck at it in general life.'

'Oh thanks,' she retorted sculling down a glass of water. 'It's really nice,' she begrudgingly admitted. The soup was in fact amazing. The best thing her taste buds have ever come across and Blair was already planning having seconds before she'd finished the first bowl.

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