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The bass of the extremely loud music thunders in my chest

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The bass of the extremely loud music thunders in my chest. Surprisingly, I hardly have a clue what the song actually is. The combination of the booming of the speakers and everyone shouting the lyrics, the song itself is inaudible.

With not even the slightest clue where Lewis and the others disappeared off to, my night is starting to look quite boring. At least I've got a drink in my hand.

I never thought that I'd ever come back here. But here I am.

I've convinced myself that my nights of going out were over for the time being, but one last hurrah never hurt anyone.

My eyes drift around the overcrowded club, not being able to spot Lewis. The flashing purple lights illuminate the multitude of people dancing, none of them being the Scottish lad.

As I looked away, I almost missed it. I almost missed seeing her.


But as quick as I spotted her, she was gone.

Was it her? It couldn't have been, right?

I take a few steps to the right, to try and see if I can spot her again. Craning my neck to the side, I finally find a small window between dancing bodies. Then I spot her again.

This time I have a clear view of her face, half illuminated by the purple lights. She's smiling and laughing with the people she's with.

She looks happy.

Without even thinking, I abandon my drink and start in the direction of her dancing figure. I shove my way through the crowd of sweat ridden bodies, earning many displeased groans. It's like a hedge maze trying to get to her. I find myself getting turned around and lost, yet still determined to find her and make things right.

The crowd feels as if it's endless. The closer I feel that I'm getting to her, the further away she feels.

Finally, a few people move out of the way creating a direct path from me to Béa. She's gathered in a small group with some of her friends, none of whom I recognize. Her God-awful dance moves are accompanied by the brightest smile on her face and she looks like she's having the time of her life.

I want to sprint over to her and attempt to reconcile our differences, but I'm stuck. Physically, my feet feel like they've been cemented to the floor. It takes everything in me to push my body forward, although I'm hardly even moving.

She has no idea that I'm there, doing everything I can to talk to her.

Finally, I regain my ability to move and I keep a steady, but still relatively slow, pace forward. With every step towards her, my heart booms in my chest. The vibration from the music pulses through my veins and if it weren't for the nervous feeling in my stomach, it's almost euphoric.

I'm less than three steps away from having my life back on track, from having everything I could ever want. I'm not going to let this opportunity slip through my fingers.

I'm within an arm's reach of the girl I love and she has yet to notice my presence. Her friends have, however, and out of the corner of my eye I see them stepping back and whispering to each other.

Béa notices their subtle disappearance and turns her head to the left to look for them.

I need her to look to her right.

I want to shout as loud as I can, asserting my presence, but I can't. Instead, I have to wait for her to spot me herself.

It's antagonizing, having her so close to me, yet feeling so far away.

My stomach drops as her head starts to turn. Everything feels as if it were in slow motion as her gaze meets mine. Our eyes lock, but nothing else happens. I still can't find the courage to say something and for all I know Béa could be in a state of shock.

Slowly, her blank expression melts and she has the happiest grin I've ever seen across her cheeks. She jolts forward, leaping into my arms. Closing my eyes, I prepare myself for the impact of her body on mine, but it never comes.

I open my eyes to find that I'm completely alone, standing in the middle of an empty club. The purple light beams dance around the empty floor, not a single person in sight.

Béa's gone. She was never here.


I wake up in a cold sweat, unable to catch my breath as my body shoots upwards into a sitting position. My bedroom is still pitch black and I can't tell how long I had been asleep for.

It had only been a dream. Or shall I consider it a nightmare?

For a split second, I almost had her back. She was right there, within an arm's reach, but my subconscious decided to yank her away from me.

I want her back more than anything. Having her in my dreams could never be enough for me. I want her back in my life. I need her back in my life.

I hate that it has taken me this long to do something I should have done months ago. To fix something that should have never happened in the first place.

Still trying to steady my breathing and slow the pounding in my chest, I reach across my bed for my phone. I refuse to let myself talk me out of doing this, like I had so many times before. I need to do this to fix things between us.

I dial the number and wait for it to ring, feeling more nervous than I ever had before any show or audition I had ever done. That's how much this phone call will mean to me. This determines the fate of my future and my future with Béa.

"Hey, Béa..."

Thoughts? Predictions?

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Thoughts? Predictions?

Get ready for another time jump (and possibly a reunion?).

I'm leaving for vacation on Friday and I won't be back until the following Friday. I'm not bringing my laptop, so I probably won't write while I'm gone. So it might be a little bit before I update again.

Also, I didn't feel like proofreading, so mind any mistakes.

Thank you all so much for all the love on the last three chapters. I'm guessing that there's less than 10 chapters left, not counting the 2 epilogues. So be prepared for the story to be coming to an end soon. I love you all very much. Until the next one, MWAH!

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