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Niall picked me up and drove us to a cute little restaurant in downtown London

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Niall picked me up and drove us to a cute little restaurant in downtown London. As cheesy as it sounds, just being around him was enough to start to turn my day around. After my meeting with Cindy, I went back to my apartment and got ready for Niall to pick me up. I only had time to fix my smeared makeup and change into a better outfit before Niall had arrived. I was grateful for him showing up so quickly because I wasn't able to think about the meeting.

I sat across from Niall in the restaurant, eating my grilled mozzarella sandwich while Niall ate his hamburger. I wasn't sure if this was a date or not and I didn't want to make any assumptions. We're just two friends having lunch.

"How was your meeting this morning?" Niall asks and I was surprised he remembered me telling him about it.

I take a sip of my water. "It was fine." I lie, "My manager just wanted to catch up and talk about me returning to acting."

Niall nods, "Are you going to go back?"

"I haven't really decided yet." I shrug, "I probably won't. Not for a while at least."

'Well, when you do decide to go back, I'll be your number one fan." Niall smiles.

I playfully roll my eyes, hoping it will distract him from how red my cheeks are getting. "Yeah, yeah."

"It's true." He tells me and I just smile.

"What about you?" I ask, changing the subject. "What were you up to this morning."

"Work." He responds.

I chuckle, "Work as in golf or work as in music?"

Niall smiles, "Music. I've got a tour coming up soon."

"Oh?" I say, "When?"

"It starts in August and ends in November." Niall says, "We're still finalizing everything right now and I'm planning on announcing it in a couple of days."

"So you're going to be gone for a while then?" I ask, trying my hardest not to sound as disappointed as I feel.

"Yeah." Niall responds, "There's about a twenty-day break between the shows in South America and the North American shows, but the album's going to be coming out then."

"Seems like you've got a busy few months ahead of you." I smile. "Are you excited?"

"For the most part, yes." He answers, "I'm more nervous than anything."

"Nervous?" I ask, "How so?"

"This is going to be my first time performing on tour alone." He says, "I don't know if the fans are even going to buy tickets."

I widen my eyes at him, "Are you crazy? Of course, they are!"

"You can't be sure, though." He says, "That's why I'm starting with a small tour with small venues, just in case things don't go well."

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