♡ three; asking you out ♡

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⋆ You both had been avoiding talking for a week. Everyone in the group could feel the tension. It was extremely awkward between the two of you. You feared that Charlie didn't reciprocate the feelings you had for him, while Charlie wondered if the only reason you wanted to kiss him was because you were drunk. You both wrestled with these insecurities separately, neither having the courage to bring them up. That is until one day, when the two of you found yourselves alone in the study room.

⋆ You were sitting at the table writing out lines in Latin. You were so immersed in your homework that you didn't notice all the other dead poets had left. It was just you and Charlie, who was lounging on the recliner writing intently in his notebook. Once you finally noticed the situation, you rapidly packed up your stuff and rushed out of the room. While attempting to get out of the room, you clumsily stumbled over Charlies chair and fell into his lap.

⋆ Your cheeks immediately reddened due to the embarrassing position you were in.

"Oh my God," you muttered while trying to get up without touching him.

He smirked slyly. "Looks like you can't stop falling for me."

You gave him an aggravated look. "Oh shut up, won't you," you huffed.

⋆ Once you finally got yourself up, you basically ran out of the room. You heard him calling you from behind.

"Y/n, wait up!"

You rolled your eyes, but begrudgingly turned around to face him. Your arms were crossed in front of your chest. "What do you want?"

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you-"

"Whatever, it's fine. Just leave me alone." You turn around and continue to walk back to your dorm.

"What's your issue?" You whirl around and are faced with a frustrated Charlie.

"What's MY issue? How about what's YOUR issue?" 

"You've got to be joking," he said exasperatedly. "You're the one who told ME I was pretty, you're the one who tried to kiss ME. Then what, you just ignore me?"

"You're the one who rejected me when I tried to kiss you!" You yelled in response.


"Would of the answer been any different if I was sober?"

"YES! Yes, it would've been!" 

The two of you gaped at each other, both stunned by his words. The deserted hallway was encompassed in silence. "Wait, what?" You asked, wanting to make sure you had heard him correctly.

"You heard me."

"Yeah, but I want to hear you say it again," you respond, a smile tugging at your lips.

He rolls his eyes. "Fine. If you had been sober, I would've answered differently. There, are you happy?"

"Nope." You smirked at him.

"What else do you want me to say?"

"I want to know how you would've answered, if I was sober." He slightly blushed and looked down at his feet. You laughed at his reaction.

"What? What's so funny?" He questioned indignantly.

You laughed even harder. "Nothing, I just can't believe I made THE Charlie Dalton blush!" A smile made its way to his face. "Charlie, I think you have a little crush on me."

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