Chapter Nine - What Did I Do To Deserve You...

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It's been four months now. Danny and I had been dating for four months.

It started to really feel real. This wasn't a dream.

Danny was a real person and he liked me enough to be with me for four. Months.

How on earth did I get here? What good deed did I do to deserve him?

He took me on a date once a week. Every Saturday. Without fail. It baffled me how consistent he was. And the fact that he enjoyed each and every one.. Made me so happy to see him happy.

This time, I got to surprise him with our date.

"Danny... Danny~!" I shook him softly, making his eyes flutter open gently. I loved to watch his sleeping face. I couldn't get enough of him.

"Oh, hey baby... Why are you up and dressed..?" He yawned, looking at the clock. His bed hair was sticking out every which way. It read 9:30 am.

"It's our date today, remember? I got to choose it for us." I reminded him, caressing the hand of a very sleepy Danny. He smiled at me and reached out his hand to touch my face.

"You're so pretty..." He said sleepily, making me blush and smile at him. Suddenly, he got up and stretched, causing me to do the same.

"Okay. I'll be ready in ten." He said.

I clapped excitedly, leaving the room swiftly to let him get ready.

~ 8 minutes later ~

I stood by the door, waiting for him to come down. My heart raced in anticipation. Suddenly, I heard a floorboard creak slightly, making me perk up and turn my head towards a small dark wooded stairwell with a Navy blue trim of velvet around the edges, adding a flair of luxury.

I saw him coming down the stairs. It was like I had fallen in love all over again. He was wearing a v-neck white T-shirt with a black blazer and black jeans. He also wore relatively casual, but still nice, shoes. His hair was down in his normal middle part, but I could tell he put effort into making it extra fluffy. He walked like he was on a catwalk in Paris. His presence was enough to make me nervous, but looking like this.. It always took my breath away.

He reached the bottom of the stairs and pulled me in gently by my waist. He looked at me longingly before giving me a sweet kiss on my forehead.

"You look absolutely stunning, my love." He cooed, his voice full of adoration. I blushed and hugged him, my chest feeling warm with fuzzy little dandelion seeds dancing around my stomach.

"You look very handsome yourself." I said, kissing his cheeks as I held his face in my hands. He giggled a bit. I swiftly tied a bandana around his eyes, making him jump slightly due to the shock.

"Babe?" He laughed. I just giggled and gently led him by his hands to his car, and I helped him into the passenger's seat. Allowing him to blindly buckle in, I got into the drivers seat and started driving.

"Baby~! Where are we going?" He asked while smiling. I laughed a bit, keeping my eyes on the road.

"It's a secret~" I said teasingly, making us both laugh.

After about ten minutes, I stopped the car.

"Oh- are we here?" He asked anxiously.

"Yes, but don't take off your blindfold quite yet!" I commanded. He just smiled widely and patiently waited for me to get out of the car to get him. I once again led him by his hands to our destination.

"What... I can hear water...?" He mumbled, making me giggle as he tried to figure out where he was. I stopped suddenly, causing him to stop as well.

"Okay... Take your blindfold off."

He did as he was told and undid the bandana from the back of his head. His eyes widened at the sight before him.

We were by a secluded pond in a forest reserve that was normally booked by visitors. There was greenery and miss everywhere. Leaves and vines were draped elegantly around the pond, almost as if done on purpose. A small creek running into the pond made a soft noise. There were lilies in the pond, and the stark white and pink contrasted with the lush green around.

"Wow..." He said in awe. He looked by his feet to see a plaid blanket laid down with all sorts of food layed out prettily with paper plates and napkins. There was also a wrapped gift waiting for them both.

"Babe, this is..." He said, not being able to finish his sentence. He was standing in the middle of what seemed like an oasis.

"Do you like it?" I asked, holding his arm. He picked me up and spun me around, causing me to help and laugh. He laughed as well.

"I love it, I love it, I love it!!" He exclaimed, making me laugh more as he put me down and sprinkled my face with sloppy wet kisses.

"PFFTHAHA- HEY- STO- PFFFHAHAH~" I laughed, making him stop and laugh as well. I kissed him on the lips happily and looked at him as he held me close by my waist.

"I'm glad you like it." I giggled. He looked at me smiling before we both sat down on a cushy spot of grass. I giggled again, passing him the present.

"You got a gift for me??" He gasped. I laughed. He could be so animated, and I loved it.

"Yes. Now open it!" I urged, making him quickly rip off the wrapping. He stopped short when he heard a soft meow come from the box.

"You did not-" He started as he slowly opened the box. But, lo and behold, a small calico kitten laid snug in the box with fluffy blankets. It wore a small collar that read "Beau".

He looked at the small creature with the biggest puppy dog eyes I think I've ever seen. Picking it up gently, it meowed again, quite loudly, making me giggle even more.

"Do you like-"

"I love you so much-"

We both looked at each other and laughed. He put the kitten down and pulled me into a tight hug, making me lose my breath for a second.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He sighed, still hugging me tightly. I sighed in satisfaction and caressed his hair gently, feeling the strands between my fingers.

"If only you knew how often I think that of you." I muttered, smiling into his shoulder.


"Ah- nothing."

We ate the spread of food I had made and talked while playing and petting Beau. She eventually fell asleep, so we left after that.

On our way home, I looked at Danny, who had insisted he drive back while I hold Beau.

I really do love you... I hope you will always know that.


I've once again risen from the dead-


I was surprised when I got 100 reads on this- and now we're at 8k

This is so crazy

This is now going to be a one shot book/ bf scenario from now on, basically. IT WILL STILL ALL BE FLUFF.

If it relates to the story line, I'll let you know <3

I hope you enjoyed!!

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