Chapter 6~ Under Water

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Chapter 6~ Under Water

It was predictable that every morning I'd wake up to the harsh rocking of the ship and noisy shouts from above. So, I was a bit taken aback when the ship was still and the only sound in the air was my own breathing. Alarmed, I sat up. We were ported. My feet didn't waste a moment, and I ran to the wall. Looking through any hole I could find, I saw beaches and a Caribbean town. Where were we? My stomach growled eagerly. Familiar footsteps grew louder, and the jangle of old keys came outside the door. A crew member appeared and snatched me by the arm.

"Get your filthy hands off of me!" I yelled, struggling feverishly.

He pulled me outside, however, I immediately shielded away. The direct sunlight damn near blinded me. Only then did I realize that I'd never actually seen the deck before. It was as expected—large, dirty, and crowded with cargo. But awfully empty of a crew. We were in a small seaside town. Palm trees scattered the land; the water was crystal clear and shimmering in the sunlight. I'd seen towns like it before, but it seemed this one was quite barren of residents.

The pirate forced me down the deck towards the bow of the ship. There stood Captain Tew and another tall, powerful-looking man (assuming he was Tew's first mate). Beside Tew's feet was a large bucket of water. Tew didn't grin; he only stared at me, waiting. I looked around, searching for something to get me out of this mess. Alas, there was only a handful of crew members who wouldn't even give me a second glance. That's when my eyes fell on the Cabin Boy. I'd never actually seen him in full light. He looked older—or maybe that was just exhaustion. His thin scar shinned like waters. The blonde in his hair came out very obviously and his eyes changed to green in the sunlight.

Edmund looked horrified at the sight of the predicament and nearly dropped the rope in his hand.

I was shoved and moved along. When I was in front of Tew, the crew member pushed me to my knees. I refused to meet the revolting man's eyes.

"I'm tired of playing games, girl," he growled. My reflection in the water was the first time I'd seen myself in a very long while.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you."

My hair was messy and my face was so scratched up that I barely recognized myself. The beloved daughter showered with her father's pampering was long gone. After the shedding of the beautified shell, only I remained.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M SPEAKING TO YOU!!" His calloused hand grabbed my face and brought it up to his own. "You seem to be unaware of how helpless you truly are. This," he said with a ridiculous wave of his arm, "is my castle. I am the king. You are but a cockroach I can squish under my boot." Tew lifted his foot clad in his ratty boot and lighted pushed my head away with it.

My stomach burned with fury.

"I'll be more willing to rip off your every finger before waiting weeks for an answer."

"Why do you intend to rob my father so quickly?"

"Oh, I don't intend to just rob your father, my dear. I intend to end him."

My stomach lurched when I heard those words, and I had to duck my eyes and keep my mouth shut. My stomach was so tight and wrapped in such a knot that I felt that I'd be sick.

"I sent the ransom letter to him—weeks ago. He did not reply, and I was forced to consider other options. Your father is a nasty devil who'll cheat anyone for rum. He's a dead drunk and he's wronged me for the last time—"

"Shut up! You lie!" I yelled, hurling my body towards him with no release. A sting rung across my cheek like the remaining hum of a church bell. I didn't comprehend what'd happened until the pain took its toll.

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