Chapter 3

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I wake up to my alarms and get dressed for the day. I don't even bother to put on makeup since I'll have time to do it before work.

Ah work, work, work. That's all my brain is filled with. Hopefully soon I won't have to think about work all the time.

When I get to the hospital I can see a good bit a staff already there for their checkup.

When the hotel does the health checkup they pay for it, so a lot of people use this chance to get a lot of things done for them.

I make my way towards Alexa who is in the front. She must have gotten here early.

" Hey Alexa. Do you know when you go up?" I ask.

" They should call you before me since your last name first letter comes before mine." She answers.

" When did you get here. And why are you sitting in the front?" I ask. I feel like if you sit in the front then everyone is just looking at you.

" I got here not to long ago. And I can sit wherever I want." She says sarcastically.

" Well excuse me for not liking attention." I say joking with her.

" Only the right type of attention honey." She says.

" Here fill this out then give it to the doctor when they call for you." She says handing me the papers to fill out.

" When did you get these." I ask taking the papers from her and filling them out.

" I got them when I got mine since I knew you were going to sit by me." She answers.

" And what if I didn't sit by you?" I ask being smart.

" Then I would have sat by you instead. Simple." She says in a know it all voice.

I mumble a whatever under my voice and of course it doesn't go unnoticed by ms. Superhuman ears.

After a while I get called up by the doctor and hand her the papers I filled out.

" Ok Ms. Naomi. It says here that you have been feeling weighed down lately?" She asks

" Um yes, but that is it." I respond.

" Ok. That is normal for females." She says.

" We will run some test on you and record your weight and height and we will give you your results when you your done." She says leaving.

After all the tests the doctor comes back in with a clipboard in her hand.

" Like we have discussed earlier you said that your body felt heavy?"

" Yes mam." I respond.

" Did you feel any nausea, heartburn, increased urination, or fatigue for the last few weeks?" She asks me. Do they usually ask these questions?

" No mam. I've felt fine besides feeling a little heavy." I answer despite me really wanting me for her to tell me what's wrong.

" How have your periods been." She asks.

" I actually have not been keeping track. I have been working a lot, so work has been on my mind the most lately." I say feeling embarrassed that I haven't been taking care of myself well enough.

" Well Ms. It seems that you are pregnant. And seeing how fast the results came you should be over 2 months pregnant. Do you remember when you last had sexual intercourse." She asks.

Pregnant? Really? I'm going to be a mom? I'm so happy. Wait. I'm FREAKING PREGNANT. How? I don't rememb... Mr. Hasegawa. Oh no. How could I be so careless.

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